A word from Glitchtrap (aka best bunny boy)

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"Hello, my darlings.." He smiled.

"It's been quite a while, huh?"


"I miss you all...and Candy misses you all too..."

He sighed.

"But she isn't...doing the best at the moment...."

"You see, she is in an extremely tougher place now, and due to corona virus, it makes things even more difficult for her...she isn't mentally stable as she was before..."

Glitchtrap cleared his throat.

"It pains me to say this, but...Due to her depression...she has...lost motivation to write..."

"But the story isn't canceled! She just needs time...she apologizes for not telling you all sooner, and she cares about you, and so do I."

"Your patience with her is greatly appreciated and she promises to return to writing, but for now, the story is on hold, until further notice..."

"Anyways, my sweeties, make sure to wash your hands alright? Take care of yourselves. And if you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them."

He blew a kiss.

"Bye for now~"

Play with me~ (Glitchtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now