Chapter 7: A Strange warning and something new

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Hello my children welcome back to my addiction

SoOoO mY fRiEnD tOlD mE tO pOsT sOmE aRt AnD i DiD So Go ChEcK mY aRt BoOk If YoU wAnT

(Or you just don't and you'll make me sad ;-; *Cry*)

Jk the first pic is SUPER FUCKING LAZY so I would prefer if you-


But anyways, it's reading time again, my children


(In the dreaaammm) (Also, no joke I had this dream Irl) :

You find yourself in the middle of...

A fucking Roblox world with city buildings...

Even the people were Roblox avatars...

W h y


You looked in front of you, where the voice was coming from.

It was the little shit that you knew too well and loved too much.

Kokichi Ouma

(I'm sorry if he's a bit ooc in this, I'm StIlL oN dAnGaNrOnPa 1 OkAyYyYy?)

"Hey, Kokichi." You said, happy to see him.

He smiled.

"How's it going?"

"Eh, I'm alright." You reply. "You?"

He put his hands behind his head. "I'm good."

He then looked around like he was making sure no one was watching him. "Listen, I don't have much time..."

 Your attention was now fully locked on him.

 "Something bad is gonna happen soon..." He said, looking at you dead in the eyes, a hint of worry in his. "Like...horrible. Godawful- No, wait, maybe that's exaggerating it..." He put his hands back at his sides.

 "W-What is it? What'll happen? Does it have something to do with Ian?" You ask as your eyes widen a bit.

Kokichi scratched the back of his neck. "Well, I uh...don't exactly know...but I just have this gut I came to tell you."

 "Oh! Well, thank you for that." (Are you just not going to question-)

 "Neeheehee! Sure thing." He giggled.

His eyes lit up but not too soon after his face seemed unsure. "It must be weird believing something from your dream, huh?" 

He then put a finger over his lips. "Or am I just a dream?~"

 Your eyes widen. "Wait-"

The world around you suddenly began to fade.

"Aw, it looks like our time is up..." Kokichi pouted. "See ya later!" He said, a mix of disappointment and hope in his voice. (HoPe?! DeSpAiR?!)

"Bye." You respond, waving a bit.

(Back in the real world) (AnD nO kOkIcHi Is NoT gOiNg To HaVe FeElInGs FoR tHe ReAdEr


I mean, unless you wanna see some shit go down-) :

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