First Encounter

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I first met Tom in our AP Chemistry class. That's right I'm a nerd. And it's a good thing too because without it I would never have met him.
It was my first week and this strange talkative fox named Zephrem sat next to me. He was a bit obnoxious but we became friends soon after. We shared similar interest in video games and trading card games. Mainly MTG. A few weeks into the class this wolf who had been fairly quiet up till then came and sat next to us.
"You guys play magic right?" We said yes and he pulled out a deck. It was a competitive deck and I had only really played just for fun before that. He quickly joined our nerdy group and we played magic together at lunch and such. He would win because of the competitive nature of his deck but it was still fun. Zephrem moved away halfway through the school year and then it was just me and Tom. We got in trouble in class for talking and not paying attention but both did well grade wise. After that year (my junior year of high school) we stayed friends. Tom and I shared something that Zephrem didnt. Music. He played viola and I played piano. I also play guitar, bass, drums, and various other percussion instruments but mainly piano. We were great friends and took a few classes together during our senior year.

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