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Filming took over his life after Sadi had left. Her sister had phoned him to tell him that she had arrived safely but apart from that, he had no contact with her. Even Candace had hardly spoken to Sadi which was worrying. They had a break coming up soon and he had already told Andy he was flying back to Britain with him so he could go and see Sadi. He needed to make sure she was ok.

As filming came to an end he boarded the plane with Andy. For the first night, he was going to stay at his house before he hired a motorcycle and rode the five hours to see Sadi. Candace had given him her address so he could just pop it into his sat-nav. Now he had to get through a fourteen-hour flight.


Once they landed in Heathrow they had made their way to Andy's house. His family had welcomed him with open arms but his mind was on the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl who had captured his heart.

The next morning he picked up a motorbike to begin the long journey to the home she shared with her sister. As he knocked on the door he was shocked to see a young girl of 12 answer the door. He knew that this was Sadi's daughter as she looked like a mini version of the girl who had stolen his heart.

"Oh my God. Daddy! Norman Reedus is at the door." He saw an older man come up behind her as his eyes bugged out of his head.

"I'm sorry I was looking for Sadi." The man stared down before he opened the door wider, suddenly Dixon came bounding up to greet him. "Hello, Dixon." He said as the dog jumped all over him.

As Norman entered the house he could see cards with deepest sympathies on the fireplace.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were in contact with Sadi." The man, who introduced himself as Tom said. "Otherwise I would've phone you." Norman sat while his daughter, Carla, made him a drink.

"Is everything ok?" He asked the man who looked down with despair on his face.

"There was an accident. Her sister was taking her to an appointment when a lorry plowed into them." The little girl sat beside him and placed a hand on his arm, "Her sister was killed outright but Sadi is in a coma." He said.

Norman felt his heart stop. "When did this happen?" He asked.

"About two weeks ago." The man said. "The doctors don't think she will wake up." He said as their daughter started to cry.

"Mummy was so sad when she came back from Georgia. She told me she met a man who she had falling in love with. But she didn't tell me it was you." Carla said to Norman.

"Can I go see her?" He asked as the man nodded.

"I'll take you to the hospital. You are more than welcome to stay here for however long you like." The man said as he picked up his keys.


The journey to the hospital was quiet. Norman didn't know what to expect when he walked through the doors to see her on the bed, the machine breathing for her.

Her ex-husband and daughter gave him some time alone with her, so he held her hand in his own.

"Sadi, don't you dare leave me now." He said as he kissed her hand, "I don't think I'd survive if you didn't wake up."

While he sat there, although he didn't know how long it was, his phone began to beep with incoming messages on their WhatsApp group.

JDM: Did you find Sadi? Is she ok?

AL: Brother is everything ok?

NR: Sadi is in a coma. She was in an accident 2 weeks ago. Her sister was killed outright but Sadi hasn't woken up.

AL: Right tell me the hospital I'm driving over now.

As Norman sent the name of the hospital he sat and waited. He wasn't going to leave her side.

Suddenly a nurse came in the room. "Mr. Reedus. You need to leave. Visiting hours are over." The nurse said to him but he just shook his head.

"I'm not leaving her again." He said while the nurse looked at him in shock. She knew who he was as she was a Daryl girl. But the man before her and the man she had seen on his show "Ride with Norman" were two different people. Gone was the confidence he usually showed, instead she saw a broken man. She nodded her head and indicated a bed he could use.


Hours passed as he sat there cradling her small hand in his own. Andy had also arrived and was sat with him offering comfort whenever he needed it. It hurt him to see his friend so broken.

"Norm, she will wake up. You just need to have hope." He said as he laid a hand on his shoulder.

"What if she doesn't Andy? What if she never wakes up." He looked up at his friend and Andy could see the pain there.

"She will." As night turned to day there was no change. Eventually, Andy left so he could get back home but he said he was only a phone call away if Norman needed him.

For two days Norman sat there holding her hand, the nurses came in to check on them both and tried to persuade him to leave but he wasn't going anywhere. The nurses had removed her tube as she had begun to breath on her own again.

"You can't leave me Sadi. I love you. I want to see you growing round as our child grows. I want to be there where you push our son or daughter into the world, cursing me the entire way." He smiled into her hand, "I want to look at you as we make love, and the faces you pull when you are coming." As he laid his head on the bed he felt her hand squeeze his.


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