Part 2

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After dragging his feet, Jimin finally managed to pull Taehyung to the front door. From outside Taehyung could already hear music blasting and people chattering.
Jimin unlocks the door and the scene was wild. Black lights lit up the place as little colored beams rotated from the ceiling. A DJ was in the corner jamming while holding his own red cup. The guest were clearly already tipsy or drunk.

"Small get together hmm?" Taehyung asked his friend.

"Yeah......sorry. When I left it wasn' this.... Then again you know how Jin likes throwing parties. When we told him maybe a small get together, he said he'll plan I guess this is considered small him."

" does EVERYONE know he was moving here except me?"

"I'm soooooooo sorry Tae. We may have told everyone to keep a tight lip around you", Jimin says again.

"Whatever, I need a drink". They head to the kitchen where the bar was set up. Him and Jimin squeezed their way through and spoted Yoongi and Jin chatting.

"Yoongi. Look. I'll be happy to get you another shot IF you can tell me how many fingers I'm holding up. But you cant. I think you should chill a bit....maybe wait for Jiminee", Jin says trying to steady the smaller man who was reaching for the bottle of fireball.

"IM finnnnnnnnnnnnne. My lil bro is back. My mix tape is drOpinggg day is it? Ugh! And MY BoyFRIEND. DIdd I l..did I ever tell you how goooood he can take my di-"

"BABE!" Jimin says, stopping Yoongi just in time before he informs the whole party about their sex life.

"OMG BABE. WHAT TOOk yOU so long? HOw's he take iT?" Yoongi hiccups.

"I'm right here", Taehyung says standing right in front of Yoongi.

"OH shit. TAE. whEn did you gEt here? Did Jiminee tell you how SorRy we are?"

"Oh my god yes. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Please just get me drunk so then i can go to bed in a better mood"

Jin poors 6 shots of tequila for Taehyung and Jimin each and they take it all down like pros, clinking their limes together then sucking it dry. Yoongi wanted more fireball but Jin refuses, saying he was out of control as is. So Jimin pulls him to the dance floor and starts entertaining him with his ass instead.

Taehyung hung back with Jin, asking for more shots. His plan was to get so wasted that if he ran into Jungkook any second now, he would literally be just a blur.

"So... fill me in on why you hate Jungkook? I mean i know that you, Jimin and Jungkook were classmates since toddlers but what happen? I asked Yoongi but he wouldn't say, and neither would Jimin".

"Pfff", Taehyung giggles, "I guess they do show some kind of loyalty. Ugh idk Hyung. I really dont want to talk about it".

Jin pouts as he takes the newly poured shot away from Taehyung, "I thought i was like a mother to you".

"Ugh whats with you and Jiminee using that face to get to me?"

"Because we know you love us. NOW SPILL. I talked to him earlier when Yoongi introduced us and he was really sweet. What could he have done to make you hate him so much?"

"Sweet? Sweet you say? Ha. Doesnt sound like the Jeon Jungkook i know. He's cocky, arrogant, a jerk, and a liar is what he is", Taehyung spat, as he takes the shot out of Jins hands and downs it.

"WOW. I mean... maybe he's different? I didn't get that vibe off of him"

"Yeah well.... Looks can be deceiving. I learned it the hard way" Taehyung sat back in his chair remembering exactly what Jungkook did to him as if it just happened yesterday.

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