Part 4

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For the rest of the party they both stayed in their rooms. No one knew exactly what happened, only that they both disappeared for the rest of the party. The next morning Taehyung was sitting at the Kitchen counter next to Yoongi, who was having an even worse hangover than he was. Jimin as per usual, woke up just fine, despite drinking more than the both of them combined. Jimin had made them breakfast, scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. He pushes a plate towards each of them while happily drinking his coffee.

"Eat up guys, i made it with lots of love. I also made some for Kookie too but....he hasn't left his room. Tae, know anything about it?" his best friend asks him suspiciously.

"How the hell would i know?", Taehyung says in a grumpy tone.

"Hmmm maybe because you guys disappeared into his room last night and then never came back to the party?" At Jimin's words, Yoongi who was so out of it looked up from the first time and wiped away his drool.

"You and kook did what?" Yoongi suddenly looked wide awake.

"Nothing happened. We talked. I told him i still want nothing to do with him...a-and then we agreed to not get into each other's way"

"Bullshit Kim Taehyung. Who do you think you're lying to?" jimin flicks his finger on Taehyung's forehead.

"Ow -bitch. That hurts! What part of massive hangover headache do you not understand?"

"Then spill! Its just Yoongi and I. What else dont we already know about yall? Just tell us what happened?"

Taehyung chewed on his food, while the two sets of eyes stayed on him.

"ohALRIGHT! FUCK. fine. I'll tell. I may have teased him on the dance floor using Jihoon, and then he pulled me into his room to talk....."

"And then?", the couple says in unison.

"Ugh.... and then it got heated and he slammed me against the wall and wemayhavefuck"

"WHAT?!" They said in unison again.

"Only...he started being really gentle and telling me his feels while i told him straight up this was just another typical night for me. If it wasn't him, i would have fucked someone else. And...... he mayhaps broke down in tears while i walked out like the heartless bitch that i am. There. Happy?"

"What the fuck Tae. Thats my brother. I know what he did was fucked up. But you're fucked up for fucking him and doing him like that", Yoongi says pissed.

"Ok well how was i supposed to know he still had feeling for me? Or that he expected something more? Like i told him i wasn't the same person, and we haven't spoken in years. So how was i supposed to know he still wasn't over it", Taehyung says equally as upset.

"Oh ok. Calm the fuck down both of you. Yoongi, baby...i hate to say it but Tae is right. It wasn't like Taehyung knew. Also they haven't spoken in years, for Jungkook to assume they'd get back together just because of one night?-"

"I wasn't expecting to just get back together", Jungkook interjected. He had came out whilst they were talking and now everyone looked away in guilt.

"I just.... I was drunk. Ok. So don't worry about it. My bad Taehyung. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable last night. I was just so caught up in the moment. It meant nothing"

For some reason, Taehyung felt hurt hearing Jungkook said it mean nothing. Maybe he was drunk, Taehyung could still remember the one night they snuck out some of Jungkook's dads whisky and drank together. Thinking how grown up they were, while choking on the bitterness of the drink. That night Jungkook and Taehyung first kissed. That was the night that changed everything for them both when he asked Taehyung out.

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