Part 5

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Taehyung felt like shit. In a way he could understand where Minjae was coming from. That feeling of betrayal by the person you love the most? Its how Jungkook made him feel in the past. It wasn't his intention on hurting Minjae. He was very careful about messing around and keeping his flings at a distance, so that they don't harbor any hope of the relationship going any further. But ever since Jungkook came back into his life, he realized more and more how much of a distraction he needed to stabilize himself every time Jungkook was around. And he doesn't even mean Jungkook being physically around, but also mentally. Taehyung could not stop thinking about the boy and Minjae was the best distraction.

He hated it when Jungkook would bring a different slut home, knowing fully well their sex couldn't be compared. It irked him, but he wasn't about to show it. Never again was he going to be weak in front of Jeon Jungkook.

But here he is now, taking care of Minjae, who had fallen in love even harder for Taehyung. A victim caught in the middle of Taehyung's own muddled feelings. Taehyung felt like he owed Minjae so much, and it wasn't like he didn't like the guy. Would it be so bad to give him an actual chance?

Minjae finally wakes up and looks up at Taehyung, who was holding his hands gently.

" sorry. If i hurt you..."

Taehyung shook his head, "No. no baby you didn't. Are you ok though? I think Jungkookie pushed you a bit too hard".


"Oh. um. I meant Jungkook. Itsa....old nickname i use to call him"


"Minjae. I'm sorry. I hurted you and you don't deserve that. You deserve someone better...."

"No! Please Tae! You are better. I mean. You're the only one for me. Yes, you hurt me. But it wasn't like you didn't tell me how you were at the start. I just.....i didn't expect to fall for you. I just feel so happy when you're next to me. When you laugh, it lights me up inside, and when you talk...i could just listen for days. Taehyung.....what i deserve is you. Please don't end this with me".

"But i lied to you....and tricked you, along with Bogum. Aren't you mad? Don't you hate me?"

"I could never hate you Tae. Mad? Yeah i was mad, but even still.... "

"Minjae....this isn't healthy. I'm no good. I don't even know what i want....everything is...complicated right now......even if i want to give you a chance....i don't think its fair to you"

"Babe. if you give me a chance....its all i need. We'll make it through this. Please I can look past anything. All i ask is for you to give us a real chance. No more lying. No more hiding things from me".

"....Minjae....I....", Taehyung looks at the boy who looked back at him with so much hope that it guilt him into saying, "Yes. ok."

Minjae almost jumps out of bed, "REALLY? So you're officially MY boyfriend now? I can proudly call you that?".

Taehyung nodded bashfully as Minjae wraps him in his arms and kisses him all over.

"Ok lover boy. Get some rest. The others are waiting for me outside. You kind of ruined their game night..."

"Should i go apologize?"

"No. I'll go talk to them for a bit and be right back", Taehyung kisses him on the cheeks before getting up to leave.

Once Taehyung got into the living room, only Jungkook was sitting there. He was sitting and looking at a blank t.v drinking the whole bottle of wine by himself.

"Yoongi and Jimin went to the movies", Jungkook says with no emotion in his tone.

"Oh...ok um... well....Jungkook, about earlier. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know you were just trying to protect me. But really, Minjae isn't like that, and we're good now so....."

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