Part 3

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Jungkook called all day and leaving texts messages and voicemails but Taehyung just deletes them, not wanting to hear another word from the other male. He begged his mother to let him transfer to Jimin's school, which after a lot of crying and threats of starving himself, she agrees.

Jungkook shows up at Taehyung's house one evening after not seeing Taehyung in school for over a week. He was terrified that something had happened since the boy wouldn't even answer his messages. Taehyung finally decides to open the door. He really didn't want to, but again like his mother said, he had thick skin, and he wasn't about to end this with him looking like the weaker party.

"What do you want Jungkook?"

"Tae... please. Just hear me out"

"Fine. speak"

"Really? You'll listen?" Jungkook says hopeful, and Taehyung nodded coldly.

"Ok. You see. Yes it started out as dare, just so they'd vote for me as captain of the team for next year. But the more time we spent together, i couldn't help but like you more and more. We have so much in common which was crazy because i never knew. And then as the dare expiration date was ticking i realized i couldn't go through with it, because I didnt want to use you like that. But then we kissed, and i word vomited, asking you to be my boyfriend. And then everything was so perfect. That night when we did it...i meant every moment of it. I wasn't going to use it to get what i want. I actually planned on quitting the team after speaking to the coach that morning. Because tae... i love you and...and I know it was wrong and those jerks aren't shit. I don't want to be friends or be on the same team with them. Please believe me"

"So you quit the team?" Taehyung asks still showing no emotions.

"Yes. i did. Tae. Please. I know it was wrong. But every moment i spent with you. Every word and every touch was real"

"See Jungkook. The problem is i don't know if it was real. And ill never know that and i don't trust you. I'm glad you quit the team. Im glad you now have no friends left. Because now you dont have me either. I'm not some toy Jungkook. It doesn't matter that you're sorry now. I'm over it. And im over you. Don't come looking for me ever again", and just like that he slams the door in Jungkook's face. It was like they had never met. By some dumb luck, as small as their little town was, Taehyung didn't run into Jungkook at all, and for him that was the best out come.

Shortly after Jimin and Yoongi met at a concert and started dating, making Taehyung nervous that he'd run into Jungkook again but they all had graduated high school and was planning to move to Seoul, while Jungkook went off to study abroad. All was good in the world and Taehyung transformed once he started living in Seoul thanks to meeting Jin. He was no longer the timid kid who was made fun of. He no longer wore the grandpa glasses or the clothes that made him look lanky and plain. He opted for different color hair depending on his mood, colored contacts, and the latest in fashion. Of course all this led to his discovery of his passion for creating beautiful clothes. So now here he was, a fashion design major, top of his class, a social butterfly, at his prime, but somehow Jeon Jungkook is back in his life.



Jungkook was in the back drinking some beer with Joon and Hoseok when he saw Taehyung walked in. At first he didn't even recognize him. He just saw the prettiest face he'd ever seen with striking red hair, wearing tight jeans and a off the shoulder top. It wasn't until he saw Jimin with him that he took a closer look that he saw it was the boy he was so in love with. After Taehyung slammed the door in his face that day, Jungkook was broken. He hated himself, and the thought of him hurting Taehyung kept replaying in his mind like a broken recorde. So he started isolating himself, no longer the try hard popular guy, he lost everyone who he use to call friend before Taehyung. He would avoid going out, just so he wouldn't run into the other, fearing that Taehyung would only hate him more.

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