"How about now?"

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"You're gay, right?"

Hoseok raised his eyebrows in confusion. He had already been open with his sexuality since pre-debut, knowing that neither his hyungs nor his dongsaengs would judge him. So why would Jin ask this now? He knew Hobi liked dudes and only dudes.

"Uhm, yeah? ", he laughed, a little caught off guard, "But you knew that already, didn't you?" Jin nodded, mumbling that he somehow had to start this conversation. "Which conversation? About being gay?", Hoseok widened his eyes, "you're not outing yourself right now, are you-?" "No! Of course not!" Jin blushed. He surely was straight, even straight men could want to be touched like that, right? 

"Well, what's going on then?" "Please don't laugh, okay? I trust you and I don't know who else I should ask." Hobi nodded, reassuring the elder of not judging him. Jin took a deep breath, knowing, that he had to talk about this in order to receive what he wished for. So he started. 

"Yesterday, I was looking up my name on the internet, just interested to see what people wrote about me. Like, I don't really know how that happened but I found myself reading stories about other members and me a few minutes later-"

"What kind of stories?", Hoseok interrupted, clearly curious of what Jin had to say.

"Uhm.. love stories, I guess...", the taller confessed shyly before continuing his narrative, "They were so addicting, I've read so many words in such a short period of time. But.. then I found a story about you and me, it was the third one I read and.."


Jin exhaled deeply once more, gulping down his shame. "At first the fanfiction seemed funny, it was written pretty well. But then we uhm-.. we were alone at home and we like.. started making out? And we didn't stop, you undressed us and you-", he blushed a darker shade of pink. 

Meanwhile a smirk had appeared on Hoseok's face, hanging onto the elder's every word. "And I?", he asked teasingly, laughing as Jin just shook his head in embarrassment. "What? Did I fuck you?" The older let out a squeak and slapped Hobi's arm softly. "Who says it wouldn't be the other way around? I- I could top you!", Jin stated indignantly, wondering if this was the right way to say it. The man next to him just laughed even more. 

"You could top me? I'm sorry, Jin-hyung but not in this universe. You're so fucking bottom, Jiminie would probably even top you.", Hoseok clarified, shushing the other as he wanted to complain, "For real! You're mostly just adorable and you can't tell me you've found a fanfic about us in which you top." 

Jin crossed his arms in front of his chest for the second time today, pouting slightly. "Well.. actually I was the uh.. girl in every story I read.", he admitted. "Ha! But please do me a favor, Jinnie,  there is no girl in a boyxboy relationship. I know what you mean but at least say bottom or sub or something." 

Addressed male nodded, making a mental note. "So yeah then I bottomed in all of the stories. But I-.." Jin clearly had trouble getting the words out, therefor Hoseok took his hand into his own and squeezed it gently. He was positive he already knew what the older wanted to say. "You're curious now, aren't you?" The black-haired wasn't wrong, in fact, he was absolutely right, yet he wasn't prepared for the question bubbling out of Jin's mouth after he nodded. 

"Hobi, can you finger me?" 

Mentioned almost choked on his own spit, staring at his best friend in disbelief and astonishment. "You- want me to.. do what?", he asked breathlessly. The pink tint on Seokjin's cheeks wouldn't vanish. "T-to finger me. Isn't that what it's called?", his voice had gotten quieter, more insecure, "I'm scared I'll make a mistake and hurt myself if I do it on my own but you probably have experience with this, right?" He wouldn't stop talking, eyes glittering, tone becoming more desperate by the second. "I want you to do that to me, I want you to make me feel good, please p-push your fingers inside me, I-" 

Hobi quickly covered his hyung's mouth with his free hand, alarmed by the vocalist's words and the slight bulge he felt pressing against his own thigh. God damn it, Jinnie, are you going through puberty again? Jin's eyes seemed bigger all of a sudden, filled with lust, curiosity and longing. Longing for Hoseok to touch him? Hobi bit his lip, trying to stay as casual as possible. His hyung clearly didn't know what he was saying, right?

"Please, I want this so badly.", the older begged, words slightly muffled by the black-haired's hand. "So just because I'm gay you think I'll touch you like that?", Hoseok frowned, trying to get out of this situation. "No!", Jin explained, "Also because I'm handsome and like one of your best friends? Please do it for your hyung or else I'm gonna cry." The younger tried to escape the other's stare, also trying hard not to get convinced. He couldn't do this. Surely Jin was hella attractive, no doubt about that. He was also build nicely, just the thought of his hand's running over Jin's body, bringing him pleasure-

"Oi, now is not the time to daydream!" A big hand waved in front of Hoseok's face, pulling him back into reality. Hobi sighed, slowly admitting to himself that he wouldn't be able to resist Jin. The possibility of touching him had already been set into the younger's mind, a vivid imagination lingering on the top of his thoughts. 

"When were you planning on doing this?" 

".. how about now?" 

[a/n: I love my girlfriend so imma update again for her now hehe]

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