Chapter 3

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A pair of piercing green eyes. That's all I could think about. I couldn't help but stare at them, mesmerized by their emerald color. His snakebitten lips turn into a small nervous smile as he continues to look back at me. I feel my face start to heat up and instantly look back down at my desk.

"Alright class we have a new student. His name is Zachary Baker."

"Um.. I go by Zacky.." The boy, Zacky, said with a shy whisper.

I look up to see his face redden as the whole class looks up at him in curiosity.

"Well whatever. Zacky then. Go take your seat in front of Miss Quinn. Victoria raise your hand so he knows where to go."

I look up with wide eyes and raise my hand hesitantly, and I see what I confirmed to be a sincere smile form on the boy's face.

"Oh great. Now we have two weird freaks in the class." Michelle says with distaste.

And just like that, the class erupts in laughter.

Zacky's face turns into a deeper shade of red as he hurriedly gets to the seat in front of me and pushes his, what looks to be a Guns N' Roses hoodie, hood over his head.

I feel bad for him. Poor guy. Why do they have to label him already? He hasn't been here 5 minutes and those morons are already judging him. He seems nice enough? He has good taste in music from what I can tell. Maybe we could be friends? A friend. Something I desperately need. I should talk to him. If I was him I would want someone to talk to me right? Or maybe he doesn't want to be bothered.. What if I annoy him?

I continued to battle with myself internally until I finally just said fuck it. What's one more person not liking me gonna do?

I tap his shoulder only to see the boy flinch and snap his head around.

My face reddens and I quickly muttered a sorry.

The boy's face turns a shade of pink as he quickly says, "Oh! No p-please don't be sorry. You just startled me is all. Um.. D-did you need something?" He tilts his head to the side just like a puppy would.

It was cute.

"Uh.. Yeah actually.." I said slowly trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.

"I was just going to say that that's a sick GnR hoodie. Where did you get it?"

His face brightens up and he grins, "Oh this? I got it from an old record store I use to go to when I was younger. They sold all kinds of stuff there, not just records. The place closed down about a year ago, but before they did they had this huge blowout sale. I scraped up every last penny I could find so that I could get this hoodie. I saw it and I knew I had to have it." He beamed as he told his story. He seemed genuinely proud of it.

I smiled and said, "That's so awesome! Well worth it I assume?"

"Definitely." He said smiling.

His smile was perfect. His plush lips fit perfectly with his piercings. I noticed him flick his tongue over them ever so often. Maybe he does it when he's nervous? He did it when he was standing in front of the class. And he did it after a startled him. But what would make him nervous now?

"I love your Pantera sweater by the way! I hardly ever see girls who have good taste in music." He said with excitement.

A deep shade of red formed on my cheeks. "T-thanks." I said sheepishly.

"No problem," he smiles, "where did you get yours?"

And with that I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I can't help but form a frown on my face as I felt my eyes prick with forming tears. I look down at my desk so he doesn't notice.

"My dad got it for me on a birthday a couple years back.."

"Oh.. Well I really like it. That's cool of your dad to give you that. My parents hate the kind of music I listen to."

I nod refusing to make eye contact with him, afraid that I'll scare him off.

I guess he got tired of waiting for an actual response and turned around in his seat only to rest his head on his desk. I sigh to myself.

Great going, Victoria. Way to get the new kid to think you're a complete weirdo already. I mentally slap myself as I continue to doodle on my desk.

Minutes later the bell rings and everyone hurriedly exits the classroom before Mr. Daniels can assign any homework.

I stand up to gather my things as I am in no hurry to head to my next class which is Marketing. Also known as the class that has Matt Sanders and Jimmy Sullivan in it.

"My names Zacky by the way." Zacky said interrupting my thoughts and standing in front of me with a small smile on his face. He offers his hand out to shake.

I look at his hand then back at him only to see his smile waver. I quickly snap out of it and shake his hand before he gives up complete hope on me.

"Nice to meet you Zacky. My name is Victoria." I said just above a whisper.

He chuckles and looks at me with those beautiful green eyes and states, "Well Victoria, I hope I see you around." And with that, he left me standing there with a red face and a smile slowly forming.

I think I might have actually found me a friend.

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