Chapter 6

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I finally open my eyes in relief, and extreme embarrassment, at who I saw on the floor next to me.


He stood up quickly and started gathering his things he dropped. I don't even think he looked to see who ran into him. He seemed to be in a hurry.

"I am so sorry Zacky! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I'm really clumsy and just.. I'm really sorry."

He finally looked up and forced a smile on his face.
"Oh.. Uh.. No it's cool.. I wasn't paying attention either. Sorry."

Something was definitely wrong.
I tried to look into his eyes, but he seemed to be looking everywhere but at me.

"Zack.. Are you okay?" I asked him gently.

He looked at me and made very brief eye contact before he quickly averting them back to the floor. His eyes looked puffy and sad.

Had he been crying?

"What? Yeah i'm fine? Just um.. gotta use the bathroom. That's all." He flicked his snakebites with his tongue.

He's a terrible liar.

"Yeah alright, but um.. you know you passed the bathroom right?" I pointed to the bathroom which was about 5 feet back the way he came.

"Oh." Was all he said. He grimaced and said, "Well what are you doing? I mean you seemed to be in a hurry?"

I froze and looked down. "Uh, well.."
I trailed off looking towards the exit door.

He surprised me by chuckling and finally looking into my eyes.

"Were you planning on skipping, Victoria? That's awfully rebellious for a shy, sweet, innocent girl like yourself." He smiled at me.

I laughed at that. Weird. He changed my mood so easily. I liked that. I smiled back at him.

"Well Mr. Baker, there is a lot you don't know about me. Now if you're done bullshitting about the whole restroom thing, you could come with me if you'd like?"

His blushed and smirked.
"Was it that obvious?" he chuckled.

I giggled, "Just a little. So you comin' or.."
He grinned and replied quickly, "Definitely."


We snuck out of the school, which was honestly way easier than it should be, and started walking to a nearby park. A comfortable silence filled the air as we continued our way. I kept making subtle glances at Zacky who seemed to be lost in thought. I was trying to figure him out and a million questions were running through my head.

What was he thinking? Why was he crying earlier? What had upset him? Why did he agree to come with me? He barley knew me.

He glanced over at me and caught me staring. I immediately looked away as I felt my face heat up.

A few minutes later we finally reached the park.

It was a small park. There was a swing set consisting of 2 adult sized swings and one for a baby, a small playground area with a medium sized slide, a rock wall, a fireman pole, another smaller slide, and a sandpit on the side. Nothing glamorous, but good enough that parents took their children here early in the mornings. I walked towards one of the empty benches, while Zacky followed, and watched the kids play.

"Why were you crying earlier?" He asked suddenly looking at me intently.

It took me by surprise so the only thing I could think to say was, "What? I wasn't crying?" I was lying through my teeth, of course.

"Victoria. I'm not stupid." He said cocking a brow.

"Why were you crying?" I retorted.
He looked taken back and stared down at his hands.

We fell into an awkward silence.

"It sucks being the new kid yknow?" He finally said keeping his eyes focused in his hands. "I thought things would be different here. I thought I might actually make friends." He said the word like it tasted disgusting coming from his mouth. "I couldn't even make it past second period!" He slammed his fist down on the bench. I looked at him startled. "What's wrong with me? I can't go 10 minutes without fighting back an anxiety attack. I can't even go 5 without someone trying to pick on me. I mean fuck! What do I need to do for people to leave me alone or just give me a chance?? I'm not a bad guy! I swear i'm not! I mean sure I have a few piercing and a couple tattoos but damn does that really make me that different from anyone else? Why am I the target? Why?"

My heart felt like it crumbled into a billion pieces. How could this sweet guy get so much hell? It's not fair. What did he do to deserve any of that?
I heard him sniffle and realized he was crying.

"Zacky.." I whispered.

"You don't have to say anything." He cut me off, "That whole thing was uncalled for. I-I shouldn't have unloaded that on you, Victoria. I mean we barley know each other and i'm just rambling about my problems and you're probably really freaked out by me now and just fuck. No wonder I have no friends. I'm really so-"

I cut him off by engulfing him in a tight hug.
That's the only thing I could think of doing.

"Don't apologize, Zacky." I whispered in his ear, "It's okay. I understand. Really I do." He hesitantly hugged me back and buried his head in the crook of my neck. I felt myself blush. "And don't worry about scaring me off either, because you can't. You already signed up for the friend boat this morning when you actually talked to me. So you can't back out now." I giggled.
I felt him smile against my neck and I blushed once again.

Damn you, face.

He looked up and smiled. I smiled back and wiped the stray tears on his cheeks away.

He looked into my eyes and smiled again. "Thank you, Victoria. For everything today.. You don't know how much it means to me."

"No problem, Zack. It's nothing really." I blushed as I caught myself looking at his lips.

All of a sudden I saw him leaning in, and then, surprisingly, I felt myself leaning towards him too.

WHAT AM I DOING? WHAT IS HE DOING? Am I really doing this?? Is this really happening???

I was freaking out on the inside, but on the outside I was as calm as can be. What was this boy doing to me?

Zacky put his hand on my cheek and closed his eyes, I followed suit. I felt his breath on my lips which caused my breathing to hitch.

Next thing I know I felt my hair being snatched back and I fell to the ground with a thump.

Author's Note:

Hi guys! So i'm hoping things will pick up from here! Sorry it's been kind of boring so far, but like I said it should be getting better c: Thanks so much for all the nice comments! It really means a lot to me! Remember this is my first fanfiction EVER! So if you have any suggestions feel free to comment and let me know (:
Thank you guys 💕

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