CHAPTER 4 HOIHOIHOI (get it? Bc chapter 4? Bc the song? hurhurhur)

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Zacky's POV:


"CALM YOUR ZOOBIES ZACK. I'M COMING." He yelled as he hurried down the stairs. I glared at him and he scoffed.

"C'mon idiot before we're late."

We walked to my car and got in. I cranked it up and I turned on the radio and blast whatever CD was in the player. It was probably either Metallica or Black Sabbath, but I was honestly too lost in thought to know for sure.

I was worried. Worried because first days always suck, and the fact that it's already the middle of the school year sucks even more.

I didn't want to move, but what kid does? My dad got a new job at some law firm here in Huntington so I really had no choice in the matter. It's not like I could live alone.

I looked over at my younger brother, Matt, who seemed worry free as he bobbed his head to the music. He was slightly younger than me and in a lower grade level, but he never had problems in school. I, on the other hand, did. I never really fit in, as much as I tried. Where I'm from I was the odd kid that had piercings and tattoos. The freak, I guess you could say. Shit, everyone else did. My old school was nothing really out of the ordinary I guess. There were the popular kids, the preppy bitches, the nerds, the weird kids, and then there was me, Zacky the freak. The weirdo that does nothing but listen to his music in the back of class like a loner. And that was fine with me. I don't want the attention anyway. I mean sure I had some acquaintances, but I wouldn't really consider them friends.

My dad said Huntington will be a change for the family. A change for the better, and honestly, I'm counting on that.

We pulled up to the school and I let Matt out so he could go ahead and go while I parked.

"Good Luck Zack!" He yelled at me.

"Yeah you too." I said and sighed.

I parked my car in the parking lot.

I looked in the mirror and check to make sure my hair was in place and my snakebites were intact. Welp, here goes nothing.

I walked in and looked around for the office. Once I found it I asked the lady at the desk for my schedule. She dug around for a while and finally found it and handed to me.

"Here's a map too, just look at the class number on your schedule, look for it on the map, and then follow it. Got it?"

I nodded and muttered a thanks to the lady.

I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just too nervous to form an actual sentence.

I looked down at my schedule.

Chemistry first period? Greeeaaat.

I checked the time as I walked to my class.

I'm like 20 minutes late. "Dammit Matt." I cursed under my breath.

I finally reached my class and just stood there at the door.

God I really don't want to do this.

I contemplated on saying "fuck it" and just going home. But of course I couldn't do that.

So I grew a pair, sucked in a breath of air, and knocked on the door.

I waited for a minute until some old heavyset dude came to the door with an annoyed look on his face. I handed him my schedule as I stepped in the class and took a look around. Everyone was looking up at me which made my face heat up. I hate attention and I felt everyones eyes burning a hole in me. Then I came to a halt and locked eyes with the most beautiful pair of greyish blue set I have ever seen. I felt a smile tug at my lips. Her face started turning pink as she looked down at her desk.

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