Chapter 7

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"Fuck!" I yelled as I felt pain shoot from back down to my butt.

What the fuck just happened?

I look up at Zacky to see his jaw clenched and his eyes locked into a, what seemed to be permanent, scowl.
I turn behind me in the direction of Zacky's hatred only to have all the blood drained from my face as I turn a sickly pale.
Standing there behind me was Brian, Jimmy, Johnny, and Matt, all with the same cocky smirks etched on their faces. Except for Johnny that is. He looks pissed as he glares at Zacky. If this was a cartoon, I swear there would be steam coming out of his ears.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?", Matt says.

"Looks like a couple losers if you ask me." Brian snarks.

"Fuck you, Haner." Zacky snaps back.

I gape at Zack as he says this, surprised at his quick reaction. Astonishment evident on my face as he looks back at me, resulting in his eyes softening.

"Bet you would like that wouldn't you, faggot." Brian snaps back.

Zacky returns his glare back to the boys as they bicker back and forth.
I quickly stand up only to have Johnny snatch me back down again by my hair.

"What the fuck Johnny! Just stop!" I hissed as he shoots daggers at me.

If looks could kill..

"I'd shut up if I were you, Princess." Jimmy mutters slightly amused.

I look at him confused.. They all seemed to be in on some kind of joke as they all shared the same amused looks, once again, besides Johnny.

Matt clears his throat. "So what exactly were you two doing just a second ago?"

"Looked to me like they were about to have a little make out session!" Jimmy chimes in as Brian makes gagging sounds. How mature.

"Geez Vic.. You've known the kid not even a whole day yet and you're already giving up the goods?" Matt grins and wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I look at the ground as I feel my face burn with embarrassment.

Wow. Whore. A voice in my head mutters at me in disapproval.

"Fuckin' two dollar whore if you ask me." Johnny says through gritted teeth as he finally speaks up.
Maybe he and the voice in my head should get together for drinks..

"Shut up!" Zacky shouts as he stands to his feet.

"Or what, Baker?" Brian laughs as he makes a move towards Zack.

"Or I'll kick your ass. That's what, Haner." Zack mutters.

Brian looks at him surprised then takes another step towards Zack's direction.

"STOP!" I yell as I stand up and move back towards Zack before Johnny has the chance to shove me back on the ground.

If Zack got his ass kicked defending me I would never forgive myself. I can take their shit. But Zacky is new to their games. He doesn't know what exactly they're capable of. Quite frankly I don't want him to know. So taking the heat is fine with me.

All their heads snapped towards me.
"Look. Leave him the fuck alone alright? It's his first God damned day for cryin' out loud. He doesn't need y'alls bullshit."

"Awwh Vicky has a soft spot for the loser!" Jimmy cooed with a mock puppy dog face. It'd honestly be adorable if it wasn't made under these circumstances.

"And? So what if I do?" I snap back.
As I say that I feel Johnny's eyes burn a hole into the side of my head.

What the fuck is his problem?

Zack grabs my arm and snatches me back to the side of him.
I wince as he does so, but quickly recover before anyone notices.

"Just shut up, Victoria, alright?" He whispers loud enough so only I can hear him. I shake my head subtly so he knows I'm not gonna back down.

Matt and Brian both simultaneously look back and forth between Zacky and I, as Jimmy continues to smirk and Johnny grits his teeth.

"Alright I've had enough of this freak show." Johnny bellows as he steps towards us, pushing me to the side. I fall into Brian as he looks down at me and wiggles his eyebrows.
I push off of him and regain my balance only to see Johnny pulling his arm back, then forward seconds later as it connects to the side of Zacky's face.
I feel my jaw drop as Zacky yelps out and falls to the ground with a thud.
"JOHNNY STOP!" I yell as I rush towards him to pull him off.
"Oh no, Princess. You don't want to be by Johnny when he's THIS angry." Jimmy chuckles at me as he pulls me back.
Who the hell peed in Johnny's Cheerios? I mean I know he's an asshole, but I don't think I've actually seen him THIS angry..
Panic starts to set in as I see Johnny on top of Zacky, punching the shit out of him.
"FUCKING QUIT!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I see Zacky start to pass out. Johnny then bends his face down towards Zacky's ear and whispers something unintelligible. He gets off of him with a smirk across his face as he looks down at his work.
What the fuck is that about?
Matt, Brian, and Jimmy all clap and nod in approval.
Johnny just continues to smirk until his eyes meet mine. Then he just.. frowns. As if he was disappointed in me.
My brain whirls in confusion at all the events that just unfolded, until I hear a struggled cough, and I snap out of it.
I rush towards Zack once again, without anyone stopping me this time. I look at him and I feel a tear streak down my face. He has a bloody nose, a black eye, a huge bruise forming on the side of his face, and his lip is split.

This is all your fault. Good going Victoria. Look what you did. You ruin everything. If it wasn't for you, this never would have happened.

The voices were yelling hatred at me. I shook my head trying to make them go away.
"Zack.. I'm so sorry." I whisper as more tears escape and I fall to my knees beside him.
"Call my brother. His contact says 'Matty' on it" He mumbles as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. I nod and scroll through Zack's contacts, find his brother's, and hit the call button.


GUYS. I'M SO SORRYI HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS STORY IN 9EVER. I could give y'all tons of excuses why, but that's not important. The important thing is I finally did update! And next chapter will NOT be as long of a wait. I'll start working on it as soon as possible.
But on another note: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE COMMENTS AND LOVE! You guys are so great. And again I am so so so so so so so so SO sorry for taking forever. I love you guys and your comments. And just ugh ❤️ thank you. (:

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