Master System: Act 1 Part 1

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You have probably heard legends of gods & goddesses but you've probably never heard them from the point of view of a god or a goddess. But I think it's time someone did.

There are many worlds in the universe but there are also many dimensions. In every world, there is a princess or prince that guards & protects their respective planets. Sometimes groups are formed & protect a higher princess or prince & there planet. There is also a universal rule stating that only a princess can become a Sailor Guardian, a warrior of great strength.

Earth is one planet in particular that has a prince but there is also a princess. The prince is the prince of earth but the princess is of the moon. We have all come to know that princess as Sailor Moon. She has guardians that protect & love her & help her protect earth. They are: Sailor Venus Guardian of love, Sailor Mercury Guardian of wisdom, Sailor Mars Guardian of protection & Sailor Jupiter Guardian of strength. This group is called the Inner Senshi for they protect & help Sailor Moon beside her. But there are others on earth that help out too! There names are: Sailor Pluto Guardian of time & space, Sailor Uranus Guardian of the winds & sky, Sailor Neptune Guardian of Seas & Sailor Saturn Guardian of death & destruction. They are called the Outer Senshi for they protect the princess from afar.(They still protect earth it's just that they're on earth) And finally there is the prince who is called Tuxedo Mask, he helps Sailor Moon with battles & is her lover. (There are records of all there previous battles)

But there is also another group that has never been spoken of in any of the records who help out as well. They help Sailor Moon & her Guardians from the shadows. They are so good at hiding in the shadows, that for years the Sailor Guardians didn't know they existed. This group is known to be:(By the other Sailor Guardians we like to call ourselves the Chaos Senshi) The Dimension Senshi. There leader is Sailor Moon's twin sister Sailor Eclipsed Moon. For years Sailor Moon & her Guardians had no idea she had a twin sister but there memories had been erased of Sailor Eclipsed Moon by Queen Serenity.(Me & Sailor Moon's deceased mother) The other members are: Sailor Night Asteroid Guardian of Asteroids, Sailor Shooting Star Guardian of constellations, Sailor Rising Sun Guardian of the sun & Sailor Vivid Elysion Guardian of dreams (She is the younger sister of Helios, priest of the dream world). This story will be revolved around me, Sailor Eclipsed Moon & my group because there are no records of us anywhere... until now.


"Is it time Master?" An eerie voice said in the darkness.

"Yes I've waited long enough to get my hands on beautiful'll be mine so very soon."

Said Kohei. Soon there would be a battle in Crystal Tokyo that would change everything for me & the other Guardians. A change that would be legendary!

In a matter of seconds, an army of woman began to head towards earth, leaving behind the dark dead twisted dimension they had taken over. There leader was a beautiful girl with black shoulder length hair, perfectly shaped hips, deep lime green eyes & large breasts. She wore a short black dress that showed a lot of her figure. She was so beautiful it was inhumane. Of course that made sense, Sheeba was a vampire. In fact the entire army were vampires & slaves to Kohei. The man that had a deep lust for me. He had finally decided to come after me.


"Your Highness!" Neo Queen Serenity quickly turned around to see Sailor Venus run to her. This worried the Queen, this type of thing usually meant there was trouble.

"What is it Venus?" Venus took a couple breathes than finally spoke.

"There is huge wave of bat like humanoids heading our way! It appears there looking for someone!" Venus just stared at the Queen for some sort of reaction. After a long pause, the Queen finally spoke.

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