Master System: Act 7

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In the morning, Athena & Comet went to the room they had been working on & sat together. They were in their humanoid forms & their fingers were laced together. Athena was leaning on Comet & they both looked down at the Shadow stuffy. Athena started to sob & Comet began to hold her tightly.
"I'm such a horrible Guardian, I wasn't even their to help her fight! And Selenium has been awakened to take her place for a while! It's wrong! I was an irresponsible queen on my planet & now this! Oh Comet, my master must hate me for letting her die!" Comet held her firmly & kissed the top of her head. He loved Athena so much, it hurt him to see her like this.
"Shhh Athena please don't say that Sailor Eclipsed Moon could never hate you, you're like her mother. And awakening Selenium was a responsible thing to do. She thinks like the Princess & even has her memories of when she was fourteen programmed inside her. And your planet, you have many children Athena, the eldest took the throne & remember, he was a good kid your world is fine." Athena looked into Comet's eyes.
"Yes but just the fact that Selenium thinks like my master feels wrong. She looks & acts like her when she was younger & it killed me when she asked for this stuffy. She even called it Sombra only the Princess called it that! Everyone else called it the rag-doll! I want her back." Comet sighed & looked at his lover. She looked like her world had just come crashing down & he was the last thing she had to hold on to. Comet had also left his world in order to protect Chihiro but he wasn't the king either. He was just a warrior that had left his post for her. He sighed & looked at the stuffed animal. The thing was so creepy. It looked like Shadow but it's eyes were just red buttons, his mouth was just an X & to make things worse, it was extremely floppy. Comet didn't understand how Sailor Eclipsed Moon ever liked it.


Chihiro's eyes opened up slowly & the sunlight bothered her eyes. She rolled over on to her side, but realized she had to pee. She went to her private bathroom & did her business but as she washed her hands, she looked at her reflection & screamed. She ran out of the bathroom & into her bedroom. She stripped down naked & looked at herself in her large mirror. Her body was covered in pink fur & she had a brown nuzzle. She had pink & brown cat like ears & a big bushy tail & her hands had claws. She opened her mouth & gasped when she saw fangs & lifted up some of her hair & realized she no longer had human ears. She screamed again & ran out of her room completely naked. She didn't really care, she had fur so no one was gonna see anything private. Nicole immediately activated her holo-matrix & appeared in front of Chihiro. She gasped & Chihiro ran the other way & into the hallway for the Chaotix. Not even thinking, she opened Knuckles' bedroom door & ran in still screaming. Knuckles sat up in his bed & Chihiro jumped in his bed & hid under the covers. Suddenly, three more screams were heard from down stairs. Knuckles didn't pay to much attention because he was more focused on Chihiro. She was shaking & he felt worried. She was also in the same bed as him which was a little weird. He slowly lifted the covers to reveal a fury Chihiro that looked really freaked out.
"Hey umm, you ok?" He knew he sounded like a moron but he had just woken up to be able to think of anything else to say. She looked up at him with fear in her eyes.
"No, me being furry, having a tail & none human ears doesn't affect my mood at all!" Tears started to form in her eyes, Knuckles didn't know what to do. He had never been through anything like this before. Hell, he hadn't really been in a situation like this with a girl or even a guy for that matter! Knuckles finally thought of something that might help so he got up & closed his door. For all he knew, she didn't really want anyone to see her so he also grabbed a towel from his bathroom. Chihiro looked at the towel & didn't put it on but instead hugged it like a teddy bear. Knuckles awkwardly sat down on his bed with her. As if being slapped in the face, Chihiro finally realized that she had just barged into Knuckles' bedroom & gotten into his bed. She blushed as she looked at the young guardian. He looked kinda cute in the morning with his hair all messed up but she quickly took her eyes off him.
"I'm sorry, I kinda ran in here...naked too. I'll leave now." Chihiro started to get up but Knuckles stopped her.
"Hey don't worry about it! You got fur & look at me, I'm technically naked all the time. So right now, we're in the same situation." He smiled at her kindly. Damn his smile made him look even cuter. But then it hit her. Knuckles was a Mobian & she was... a...not a Mobian! It was tots' wrong to think that way. She looked down at the wrinkles of the towel.
"You sure? I mean what about the other screams? I'm pretty sure those were my sisters."
"Sisters? I thought you guys were just Guardians who had been working together for a long time. " Knuckles had no idea they were all related like that.
"No we're not related by blood it's just we've been through a lot together, so much that we're like family so I think I should see what's going on." Chihiro got up & handed Knuckles his towel back. Even though she looked a lot like an animal, she still looked pretty, really pretty. Chihiro quickly left & left Knuckles lost in his thoughts. What was this weird feeling? He had never felt it before so he just told himself he might be getting sick.

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