Master System: Act 3

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It was around ten o'clock when the Chaos Senshi awoke to the smell of bacon. They all started to roll around & groan at the fact that it was morning. Sailor Shooting Star was the first to climb out of bed. She looked at her wrinkled clothes & pulled out a green suit case from under the bed. She quickly changed into a navy blue pajama shirt. The rest of the Chaos Senshi did the same changing into there own sets of pajamas. Sailor Night Asteroid was wearing a brown night gown & was walking around barefoot. Sailor Rising Sun was wearing a light purple pajama shirt with a white unicorn with dark purple hair & yellow horn imprinted on it along with short blue pajama shorts. She was also walking around barefoot. Sailor Vivid Elysion was wearing a baggy grey shirt that said "Can you not?" on it & white poka dotted pajama shorts. They all walked out of the infirmary using there noses to find the bacon. They walked into a very homie looking kitchen. The cupboards were white with glass windows so that you could see the dishes, glasses & cups. The drawers were also white, the counter was made of marble & the floor was light orange carpet. It was a large kitchen that had a very large dinning table. All the Freedom Fighters were patiently waiting at the dining table & were clearly waiting for the Chaos Senshi to go sit down.
"Mornin' sleepy heads!" Bunny was sitting beside her husband & looked refreshed.
"Good morning Bunny." Comet randomly popped his head from behind Sailor Night Asteroid's leg. She jumped up in the air & gave a small yelping sound.
"Holy shit Comet I thought you were still in bed!" Sailor Night Asteroid was trying her best to regain her breath while everyone else in the room laughed. The Chaotix & Team Dark appeared almost instantly & sat at the table. They all started to eat breakfast together without saying a word. Finally, Shadow broke the silence.
"When is that other humanoid coming back?"
"Athena should be back soon. Queen Serenity won't keep her over a day."
Comet started to lap up his milk that had been on the floor next to Sailor Night Asteroid.
"Wait, Athena was here? Why did she have to go see Queen Serenity?" Said Sailor Shooting Star as she bit into a piece of toast.
"She said something about having to check what you had. I don't really know sorry." Nicole said as she started to cut through her omelet.
"On that note maybe you should introduce yourselves properly." Said Cream as she sipped some of her apple juice.
"Alright I'll go first." Sailor Night Asteroid energetically stud up.
"My name is Chihiro Shōwakusei! I'm twenty two years old, I love chicken burgers & boxing. My favorite colour is brown. However, I'm also known as Sailor Night Asteroid but only when I'm in Sailor Form. I have anger management issues & am the strongest in the group & am the temporary leader if the Chaos Senshi!" She quickly sat down & Sailor Shooting Star got out of her spot.
"Hello my name is Tohru Seiza. I'm twenty three years old, love studying, eating rice & my favorite colour is green. I transform into Sailor Shooting Star, distract enemies & have an iq of 300. I'm also a bit shy around new people." She blushed than quietly sat down as Sailor Rising Sun got up from her chair.
"I'm Akarusa Asashi. I am twenty four years old, give love advice, have a thing for spaghetti & adore the colour blue. My other identity is Sailor Rising Sun, use long range attacks, can be seductive if necessary & am the most irresponsible in the group. At least that's what they tell me." She slumped down on her chair & Sailor Vivid Elysion politely stud up from her seat.
"And I am Kyary Oyasuminasei. I am twenty two years old, tell fortunes, love tacos & I think that magenta is a beautiful colour. When I'm in Guardian Form my name is Sailor Vivid Elysion. I use close & far attacks, am the second most irresponsible Guardian at times, am outgoing & sometimes over confident." Comet jumped on to the table & started to meow. All the Mobians were kindly saying there greetings to the Chaos Senshi & then Athena stepped in through a portal & rushed to the table.
"You guys! You guys I have the results!" Athena was panting heavily as everyone starred at her.
"You mean ze results for would I say that? You know what I mean." Said Antoine.
"You know Athena, you make it sound like we just got tested for HIV." Said Akarusa as she played with her food.
"Guys this is no time to be making jokes, this is serious the results weren't good." Athena had the face of a concerned mother. It got very quiet as everyone leaned in close to here the news.
"I looked through some archives & found out that you might have either Mysotis Alpestnis or Anthropomorphic Disorder. Everyone looked at each other with blank expressions no one knew what either of those meant.
"Athena I don't think any of us know what those things are. Do you mind-" Sonic was cut off as Tohru interrupted him.
"Anthropomorphic Disorder is when humans start to change into Anthropomorphic things. Kind of like in Beauty & the Beast. Unfortunately, I don't know what the other one means." The rest of the Chaos Senshi had scared expressions & couldn't decide if they wanted to know what the other meant. However the Mobians simply looked fascinated.
"Mysotis Alpestnis is when you slowly begin to forget everything about your life & other things." Athena felt bad for breaking the news to them but they needed to know what they might suffer from.
"Wait, what does this have to do with Shadow? Mysotis Apestnis makes sense cuz you know he doesn't have that many memories but Anthropomorphic Disorder?" Athena & Comet both sighed & looked at each other then at Rouge.
"That isn't important at the moment. You girls need to know that if you get Mysotis Apestnis, you simply lose knowledge of who you are & what you do. But Anthropomorphic Disorder isn't as harmless." Chihiro flinched.
"What do you mean it's not as harmless?" Everyone stared at Athena & completely forgot about there breakfast.
"Well, it's a proses that takes at least three days but not every human that gets Anthropomorphic Disorder survives past the first night. And if they do, sometimes they get new personalities. But that is very rare.
"The dying part or personality swap?" Asked Charmy through a mouth full of cereal.
"The personality switch." Answered Tohru in a quiet monotone voice. The Mobians thought of the things they had just heard. They didn't know how to respond to what they had just learned about.
"Another important thing to know is that usually teenage humans don't survive the transformation." The Chaos Senshi relaxed knowing they were in there twenties.
"In that case you guys should be fine. You are in your twenties." Vector said comfortingly.
"Not necessarily, the time on Earth is different than here on Mobius. The Chaos Senshi's ages will switch back to there mid teens." Everyone at the diner table looked frightened. Finally, Kyary broke the silence.
"In that case we might want to do some things, considering the fact that in a way, we're all gonna die. Wether it's our memories, our personalities or bodies." Kyary looked down at her cup of milk & studied the ripples.

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