Master System: Act 6

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"So now that you're up, you might want to get updated on what's been going on lately." Sonic said as he expected Amy to blush at him but oddly she didn't do that. Instead, she smiled at him but he couldn't see any desire in her eyes. She had liked him for a really long time but all of a sudden, she looked super mature & responsible. Almost as if she had aged but she hadn't. Her body looked exactly the same. Sonic felt a huge wave of relief come over him, he felt like Amy didn't like him anymore & it was like a weight had been lifted of his shoulders. After Amy had all of the events explained to her, she got very serious & lost in thought. She quickly finished her breakfast & spoke with such wisdom that it was like she was a whole new person.
"Athena, didn't something kinda like this happen on Mobius before?" Athena nodded in agreement.
"Yes but the former princess was born & raised on Mobius & died protecting the innocent" Athena turned towards the Chaotix & then at Sonic.
"She was known as Tikal." The Chaotix & Sonic looked like they had just gotten punched in the face with a chair. None of them had expected for Tikal to have been a Planetary Princess. She was known as a legendary Echidna maiden that had spoken against her father & her clan in order to not only save the Chao people & Chaos but for the rest of the Mobian Tribes around the world. But it also made sense. Sailor Guardians usually would do anything to protect those in need. (Celes & the Elemental Senshi didn't count of course) Amy started to hold her head in pain & Sally helped Amy to the nearest empty couch she could find. Amy started to scream in pain & a strange mark appeared on her forehead. She passed out & the mark became black like someone had drawn it on with a Sharpie. Everyone else rushed over to Amy's side to see what the mark was. It looked like an upright U with an upside down U underneath that had a line going through the centre. It also had feather like things on the sides. It was directly underneath her bangs & wasn't all that noticeable but it did raise questions.
"Wait, the Chaos Senshi have marks on their foreheads...does that mean Amy is a Sailor Guardian too?" Everyone turned to look at Vector. It did seem to fit & it did seem to be true.
"I think we should try to focus on the Chaos Senshi right now. How long are they gonna be all beast like?" Said Knuckles as his eyes met Athena & Comet. Athena looked up at the ceiling & began to think & after a few seconds found the answer.
"One day at the most. But you never know, so far that's how long it takes for this stage to end." Everyone looked over at the Chaos Senshi. They all seemed to be much calmer but their eyes still showed insanity within them. Everyone went back to the dining table after Athena & Comet signalled them over. Athena became very serious & concentrated as she spoke.
"Your world is one world that rarely has a girl that can handle the energies of being a Planetary Princess. Tikal happened to be the first & last Mobian girl to be able to handle those energies. However that meant that their were no other Guardians around to help her fight. Sadly, her mentor Chaos also didn't have enough time to awaken her full potential & she died trying to save this world. Yes, Chaos was Tikal's mentor but what is worse was that" Athena's eyes went towards Knuckles & her voice became rich with wisdom.
"after Chaos ate the Chaos Emeralds, he couldn't control the negative energies & his anger towards Pachakamac; Tikal's father & her clan were corrupted & he became Perfect Chaos. As most of you know, Tikal trapped her soul within the Master Emerald & took Chaos with her. However, Perfect Chaos was so evil that a small shard remained & it transported itself to the land of birth & rebirth; Sagittarius Zero Star. Guardian Cosmo & God's life energies breathed life into Perfect Chaos & it manifested itself into the creature that tarnished The Golden Kingdom, Silver Millennium & The Knuckle Clan. Perfect Chaos is simply referred to as Wiseman by The Court of Star Chamber & all Planetary Princesses of our galaxy but is a very dangerous being. It has been destroyed many times but always finds a way to come back, Wiseman also finds was to manipulate & twist peoples' desires & that's how wars among good & evil are born. Before Neo Queen Serenity became queen, she was known as Sailor Moon & she had to fight against Wiseman's efforts many times. Neo Queen Serenity just happens to be Sailor Eclipsed Moon's twin sister & she thought that Mobius would need protecters from Wiseman, she knew that it had finally decided to stop fighting her but would go back to its birth place & try to take control of it. She knew you guys were here but she wanted to have Sailor Guardians help you as well. Me & Comet believe that Wiseman has helped Celes with her plan to take revenge against Sailor Eclipsed Moon & Shadow because she was already evil." Athena finished & the Mobians were trying to take in all the information they had just received, it was a lot to take in. Charmy was the first to break the silence.
"Question, what is The Golden Kingdom, Silver Millennium & The Court of Star Chamber?" Charmy looked nervous but Athena simply smiled patiently.
"The Golden Kingdom is the ancient Earth Kingdom, Silver Millennium is the long lost Moon Kingdom & The Court of Star Chamber is a counsel that consists of the wisest women in our Universe: Sailor Eclipsed Moon's & Neo Queen Serenity's mother: Queen Serenity, Neo Queen Serenity, Golden Queen Galaxia: the once evil but now good Queen of the Galaxies, Cherubim & Seraphim: the two Menaed priestesses of the Golden Kingdom Temple & Guardian Cosmo: God's wife." The Mobians were starting to understand more & Shadow suddenly became angered.
"Why would God & Guardian Cosmo let Perfect Chaos become a living breathing creature & then let him destroy so much?! I thought they were the good guys! I don't like humans & me & Knuckles don't get along, but I still don't think it was right for The Knuckle Clan to get destroyed & those kingdoms to fall & all of you know that I usually don't care how much destruction is around!" Shadow stared directly at Athena & was pointing at the ceiling. Athena & Comet sighed & Athena reached over to Shadow & held his hand & her eyes showed nothing but pity.
"Shadow, I didn't understand it either but it was the way things had to be. Light calls Darkness & Darkness calls Light. One way or another, those kingdoms & The Knuckle Clan were destined to fall, it would have still happened. Please try to understand that." Shadow calmed down & pulled his hand away. He stood up & left the room which made Rouge worry for him. They were best friends & the only other person he would talk to was his pet: Dark Chao & those talks usually became violent & Rouge would always have to deal with it. Zamrie looked up at the clock & gasped.
"I gotta go, I have to go check up on my older brother!" She was turning away & Tails became curious.
"You have an older brother? What's he like?" Zamrie looked at Tails & then answered.
"His name is Nyt he looks like me with the black fur & stuff but his armour is a lighter shade of orange than mine. He is also kind of...mental. That's why I have to go check up on him." Everyone's expressions except for Mighty, Ray & Zamrie became shocked. No one had expected for Zamrie's brother to be a nut but apparently he was. Everyone decided not to drown Zamrie with questions about her family so that she could check on Nyt. She quickly left & Mighty began to smile.
"I remember the good old days when me & Nyt used to play outside. You guys might as well know that Nyt wasn't always mental it's just that he got in an accident & now he thinks he's a knight. He runs around the Wood Zone thinking he has to protect "Camelot". He is usually harmless but can occasionally be a little violent, that's why Zamrie goes & checks up on him every now & then." Ray quickly stepped in.
"I used to hang out with him too. I would tell you guys what happened to him but I think Zamrie should be the one to tell you that story." Ray & Mighty looked sad & lost in their memories & after everyone finally finished their meals, they went about with their usual pass times or jobs. Knuckles decided to move The Master Emerald to a large empty room the Freedom Fighters had, The Chaotix went back to trying to solve mysteries, Team Dark went back to the G.U.N base to report why they had been missing & to tell them they would be gone for a while, Sonic went for a run, Tails & Rotor went to their workshop, Sally & Nicole started to look around for any suspicious activity, Cream & Cheese went back to their house for a while, Antoine & Bunny went to go train,the Chaos Senshi were put outside to burn of some extra energy & Athena & Comet went to another extra room they had found so that they could make it a sort of cosmic temple for the Chaos Senshi.


Zamrie decide to go with her instincts in order to find Nyt so she unleashed her inner Ninja & inner Samurai. Her mother had been a female ninja & her father was a samurai. (It also explained how her name sounded kind of like the word samurai even though when you see it written it doesn't seem like it) She had figured out that their were a lot of ninjas on Mobius so she decided to become more of a samurai. She jumped through the trees silently ready to pull out her katanas from her belt of she needed to. She had always preferred to wear samurai like clothes so she had managed to make herself some armour out of dragon scales & over top she had put a tight white shirt. She wore black see through sleeves that reached to her black gloves which she had cut holes so that her fingers would come out. She had a metal skirt & black short shorts underneath. She had black leggings & white ankle boots with yellow soles. She also wore golden tear shaped earings & had blond bangs that came out from underneath her armadillo armour that covered her left eye. Her eyes were a dark purple. She finally stopped jumping through the trees when she knew someone was with her, she sat quietly waiting for the other person to reveal who they were. Suddenly, a male scream came towards her & Zamrie quickly took out her katanas & lunged forward & started to attack an armadillo with black metal armour over his face & body. The only visible features he had were his dark purple eyes & his light orange armadillo armour. They fought each other for a few minutes until the armoured armadillo finally stopped. Zamrie stood in a ready position just in case he decided to try to attack her again. They looked at each other seriously & it was silent for a few moments.
"Zamrie, why have you come?" His voice was deep & sounded a bit frustrated. Zamrie put her katanas back in her belt.
"Nyt, you know that I have to check up on you, King's orders." Of course Zamrie knew that King Arthur had died along time ago but she had to convince him not to keep attacking her somehow. Nyt sighed & put his sword away in it's scabbard & gave Zamrie a tight hug. She pulled away from him & they both climbed up a tree & sat together & talked for a while. Zamrie decided to tell Nyt the story of the Chaos Senshi so that he would be careful after she left.


"Nnnhm..." Amy sat up slowly & held her head gently. She looked over to the Chaos Senshi as they sat in the corner & had surprisingly not tried to cause any trouble but they still seemed to have the minds of animals. She got up & her head really hurt but she just ignored the pain after she noticed that everyone had gone about with their everyday work. She went over to her room & looked into the mirror. Her hair had gotten longer & she now had a weird mark on her forehead that was actually in her opinion pretty. She sighed & started to think about Sonic. It was kinda her fault that him & his soul mate had never been able to be with each other in their first lives. She also got to see that her & Sonic weren't destined lovers & she would have to move on, but how would she show that to everyone around her? A thought struck & she looked at her bangs & her dress. She needed to do what she had done when she loved him, she had to change some of her appearance. She went looking through her fabrics & found some. She also went over to her mirror with a pair of scissors, it was time to take a change for the better & this was how she would do it.
"Don't worry Sonic, I'm moving on."

After a long day, everyone went to the kitchen, were Cream & her mother Vanilla had cooked a nice diner for them. They all said their hellos & went to the dinner table to eat. They all conversed about their day of work & eventually somebody asked Athena about what they were gonna do about the Chaos Senshi & she simply said that they would be brought inside their separate rooms & that the next day they would be acting like their old selves again. Amy walked in a little later & she hadn't changed her bangs or dress but simply because she wasn't all that ready yet. Zamrie also came in & Mighty went up to her & kissed her. When Mighty released her, they began to talk.
"How's Nyt?"
"He's fine, still delusional, but fine. By the way, I think Nyt might come & visit do you think that would be ok with the others?" Zamrie & Mighty looked at each other with concern.
"What are you two love birds talking about?" Said Bunny with a wink. Mighty & Zamrie blushed & held each other's hands as they sat down at the dinner table. After dinner, everyone started to get ready for bed & the stronger guys helped carry the Chaos Senshi to their rooms & after they all went to bed. But when everyone went back to bed Sonic, Shadow, Espio & Knuckles experienced the same nightmares from before & the Chaos Senshi started to moan in pain as they slept due to the strange changes that were occurring in their bodies. Amy also had foggy dreams that she wouldn't remember in the morning but that was only the beginning.

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