Master System: Act 4

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They all stared at the four girls in front of them. The four Sailor Guardians resembled the Chaos Senshi so much that it was almost like looking at their reflection. The only difference was that their hair was black, they had no reflection of light in their red eyes & all their outfits were the reversed colours of the Chaos Senshi. They had no planetary marks whatsoever & they looked extremely cold hearted & hateful. Brainwashed would actually be more accurate.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet our originals." Said the Sailor Guardian that resembled Sailor Night Asteroid.
"Let us introduce ourselves, we are the Elemental Senshi. I am Sailor Neon Asteroid, the leader of our group."
"I'm Sailor Einsteinium Star." She got up from her sitting position & leaned on Sailor Neon Asteroid.
"The name's Sailor Hydro Sun." She leaned on the other side of Sailor Neon Asteroid.
"My name is Sailor Rubidium Elysion." She started to hold Sailor Neon Asteroid from behind. When they had all finished their introductions, they looked like five lesbians that were posing on a magazine. The Chaos Senshi looked concerned about these new Sailor Guardians & the fact that they had been called "Original" it meant that they thought they were better.
"Were do you come from?" Sailor Shooting Star took a couple steps forward. Sailor Einsteinium Star's face became sympathetic & she stopped leaning on her leader. She walked up to "The Original" & caressed her face. She looked deeply into her face. All this seemed to be a kind gesture but it was obviously not supposed to be. Sonic didn't like it at all. He wanted to get Sailor Shooting Star away from the other her & make sure she was safe. Sonic thought for a moment. He had only just met her. Why was he thinking like that? He mentally shook himself & focused on the situation.
"Don't worry, we're just like you! Meant to protect something & we even have the same thinking process. We simply are updated versions of you." Sailor Shooting Star was captured by what she had been told. Sonic couldn't stand it any longer, his gut was telling him to protect her so that was what he was gonna do.
"Sailor Shooting Star, don't listen to her! She isn't you & she'll never be you!" Sailor Shooting Star snapped out of her thinking & jumped away. She could now sense the evil coming from them & she was usually bad with sensing these sort of things. Sailor Einsteinium Star smiled at Sailor Shooting Star.
"Surely you know why we're here Sailor Night Asteroid." Both leaders were piercing each other with their eyes.
"No. I don't. Because I'm not some fucked up clone." Sailor Neon Asteroid's eyes flashed with fury. She quickly calmed herself & observed her black hair.
"We're here to protect. And get rid of the trash that calls themselves Guardians."
"Yeah, sorry but you guys are pointless. We are the new & improved you, why would anyone want trash around?" Sailor Hydro Sun said in a mocking sense. She started to laugh as she stared at Sailor Rising Sun.
"Heh, just ask your new friends me, they definitely don't want you around. Look at the mess you created for them. You should feel horrible." Sailor Rubidium Elysion glared at Sailor Vivid Elysion. Suddenly a wave of guilt washed over all the Chaos Senshi. It really was their fault that Mobius was in trouble & they really hadn't done much to change the situation.
"It's ok you can fix all of it you know." The Chaos Senshi all looked at Sailor Neon Asteroid.
"Trust us, this world is better of without you. Hell, all worlds are better of without you. That's why God & Guardian Cosmo created us. You guys have mest up so much that we have to get rid of you." Sailor Neon Asteroid started to hug Sailor Night Asteroid tightly. The rest of the Elemental Senshi did the same & hugged their originals. The hugs quickly became tighter & tighter until the original Guardians couldn't breath. Everyone else watched & wanted to do something but for some reason, their bodies wouldn't move. Sonic, Knuckles, Espio & Shadow had the biggest urge to fight, but were powerless to stop the predicament.

"I wonder how my sister is doing..." Thought Neo Queen Serenity to herself as she woke up that morning. The Chaos Senshi had left two weeks ago & that was two days for them. She decided it would be best to wait a month so that they would have a week without her checking in. Sailor Eclipsed Moon had always been anti social with anyone who wasn't part of the Chaos Senshi. She quickly dressed herself & woke up King Endymion.
"Endymion, you should wake up now." The King's eyes fluttered open so that he could look at his Queen. She always got herself ready before he would wake up so he never got a chance to wake her up instead. Neo Queen Serenity kissed his forehead then left their room. She went about with her usual business of checking with her Guardians, teaching Small Lady Serenity ways to be ladylike & such. She went to sit in her throne room with King Endymion. In front of their thrones was a large hologram of the world. If anything was to happen, they would be the first to know & they would alert her Guardians. The world was peaceful & quiet but then she saw a small beam of light head upwards & pass the protective field she had placed over Earth. She used her powers to zoom in the source of the light. It was outside of New York in a mansion. She saw a young man who looked to be in his mid twenties. He was a brunette with sky blue eyes & his hair spiked up on the left side. He was wearing a white lab coat that partly covered a red & white t-shirt. He also had blue jeans & red sneakers.
"Man, it's been eight years since I've seen them. Can't wait to have adventures like we used to." He smiled & stepped through a giant ring shaped green machine. As he stepped in, the colourful portal disappeared. All that was left was the machine & a letter. Neo Queen Serenity was curious about who he was, where he was going to & who he was talking about meeting. She felt that it was somehow connected to Mobius & sent a large amount of power to the Chaos Senshi. He didn't look like a threat but she wanted to make sure everything would be alright. Sailor Mercury entered the throne room & bowed respectfully.
"Is everything alright my Queen? We sensed a large amount of energy leave the palace." Neo Queen Serenity smiled.
"I just sent some power to the Chaos Senshi." Sailor Mercury looked at the Queen with concern.
"Did something happen?" She could sense something was wrong but couldn't figure out what it was.
"Nothing happened I just wanted to give them some energy just in case they ever need it." Sailor Mercury felt less tense & bowed respectfully then left.
"You didn't tell her about the young man." Said King Endymion as he took Neo Queen Serenity's hand & held it tightly.
"I don't want to cause to much trouble for him, I could sense that he was harmless." She looked at King Endymion with confidence. He leaned in & kissed her. When he finally released her, he looked deeply into her eyes.
"Then why did you send energy?" She looked at his chest & her face became pale.
"I could sense that something else was wrong so I sent them energy. I can still feel it. Mostly for my sister."

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