[ Unending deadly questions ]

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To start off, living with Kakashi was not living with him at all. He was always out and I rarely see him in his apartment. He's like... Always gone.

Well, for the good side, I have a free apartment and being left alone made me resort to what I'm doing right now.

Kekeke, he'll never know what hit him.

I stared at the huge door in front of me. It's time to find out what really is going on with Kakashi's head. Just like they say, your room is your identity and I am in front of one now.

I dramatically opened the door.

"Aha! Ahh!"

I shouted as a kunai went off and passed by gracing my cheeks. I held my chest as I felt my heart beat go crazy. Like crazy fast!

Crazy Scarecrow! What if it hit me?!

"Then you could have died kid." Kakashi nonchalantly said as he suddenly appeared on the opened window crouching with his feet wide open. He raised his hand and said, "Yo."

"What are you suddenly doing here?!" I screamed still not moved on from the near death experience.

"Well, first things first, this is my room. Second, there's something we need to talk about. Care for some ramen?"


"I'll take that as a yes." He said as he grabbed me like a sack of potatoes, immediately 'shunshining' towards who knows where.

Oof. I feel sick.

"You're weaker than I thought."

I could have sworn I saw a smirk behind his mask and I know it wasn't my imagination. I could see the mockery in his eyes.

"Well that was my first time!" I gasped and took a gulp trying to prevent myself from taking out my intestines, "You could have spared me a warning, scarecrow!"

Ughhh. I still feel sick.

"And by the way, I don't like ramen!"

"Well, deal with it. It's the cheapest and I don't usually give free meals to brats like you."

"Whatever. Arguing with you is pointless." I grumbled.

"Good. You're aware."

He placed me on an empty sit and ordered two miso ramen while I gave him the silent treatment. I am really a calm and collected person but when it comes to Kakashi, it seems like he's the only exception. Or Shikaku... Or Hiruzen... Or... Yeah. Sorry, I know I was... But I guess things have changed.

"Well, now that's out of the way. Let's get down to business." He said and the mood instantly changed. I was aware of the changes so I looked at him seriously in return, confusion plastered on my face.

"You wouldn't mind becoming a shinobi, right?"

It wasn't a question. I just knew it wasn't. And I wasn't surprised by the fact that it wasn't. I knew this was coming but I didn't know it would be this soon.

"I wouldn't. Because I have chosen that path since I was born in this world."

But it wasn't for Konoha or Ame or any other villages. It was all for survival. But Kakashi doesn't need to know that. Nobody will.

I took a portion of the miso ramen.

Dangos would have been better.



"So what do you think of Sora, Kakashi?" Hiruzen asked as he skimmed through all the paper works on his table. This would take a lot of my entire lifetime, he thought.

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