-Successful persue-

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"And to my surprise, me too."

The voice that you just heard is neither yours or Jungkook's and that leaves you both in shock.

You slowly turn to face nothing but a smiling Taehyung with crossed arms.

How can this be your brother?

He didn't approve Jungkook and you being together from the start, but now something's changed.

And to my surprise, me too.

That can only mean one thing: Jungkook proved his love for you and your brother understood it as well.

He won both hearts of yours.

"Tae what? Did you just said that?" you ask as you and Jungkook make slow steps to approach him.

Taehyung chuckles at your shocked expression and shakes his head.

"Surprisingly I did. Your prince over here loves you for real and that's undeniable." he says smiling and pointing at Jungkook.

And a smile is drawn on Jungkook's face.

It's obviously a certain relief for him that his feelings and actions are finally recognised by someone so important for you.

Your older brother, your family.

Happiness now running through his veins right now, he squishes your body and brings it closer to his.

He's proud of what he's achieved.

Today he demolished every obstacle, every doubt to the path of your love, having earned his trophy now, which is you.

The one and only woman of his heart.

Despite your happiness right now and your need to thank your brother, there are still a question that continues to haunt you.

How did Taehyung changed his mind?

"What, what changed you Tae? You're completely against it from the start, so what changed now?" you insist.

It's not that you're not satisfied with it now, but it's good when some things come clear before the happily ever after.

Your brother nods in understanding.

Your way of thinking and this question is totally normal, since Taehyung didn't used to be like this.

Didn't used to approve this.

"I always new that Jungkook had true feelings of love for you, especially when he-" he pauses when he notices Jungkook.

His eyes are wide now, sending messages to Taehyung to leave this past story aside.

But you don't fall so easily to this trap.

Even the deepest secrets of both past and present will stop existing after this night.

You won't be in the dark anymore.

You furrow your brows at that, not liking the way they continue to hide clues from you non-stop.

"After he what? God why do you still keep me in the dark? Speak!" you say with raised tone hitting your foot on the ground.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook jump at your instant outbreak gasping, then sighing deep.

And it seems you had them.

As you can assume from the look in their eyes, they've been trying to hide this information related to Jungkook, but now they're caught red-handed.

Wrapped around your pinky.

"I'm sorry bro. We both knew the time would come someday." Taehyung shakes his head in sympathy towards the younger.

Your eyes instantly glue on Jungkook.

He seems troubled, which is obvious from the fact that he's bitting his nails nervously.

"Jungkook, you said you love me. If it's true, you have to tell me everything. Everything." you cup his cheek firmly to stop him from shaking out of stress.

He melts to your touch sighing.

"There's a reason I hid this from you Y/n. You're gonna hate me-" you shush his mouth by locking your lips.

Backing away a few seconds later, he seems a little bit more relaxed than before.

"How can I hate someone that owns my heart? Please let me know." you capture his eyes with a sweet expression on your face.

You're like his medicine.

With the slightest touch of yours, he can be transformed to the sweetest baby boy.

Your beloved baby boy.

He takes a deep shaking breath before returning his gaze on your glowing eyes and you nod with reassurance.

"After Chanyeol l-left you, Woozi came to your life. He was your b-boyfriend." he says with now teary glistening eyes.

Your heart sank when hearing his name, instantly remembering all the happy memories you two shared.

He was indeed your other half.

Some tears, which you're are not sure whether they're of joy or sadness, threaten to fall from your eyes, but you hold back.

And then he left you.

"No Y/n. He didn't left you, he loved you." Jungkook says calmly now reading your mind.

"Then why? Why am I not with him right now? Where is he?" you sob in his hug now.

Jungkook sighs.

"Because he's far away now. I killed him."

A/n 🖤
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Βαριέμαι θανάσιμα. 😭😫

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