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And it hadn't just been that night.

At least once a fortnight, we would walk around at night, some of those times being when our parents were out, and some of those times being when our parents were sleeping.

We were practically siblings, both of us being 12 at the time, him slightly older.

We were incredibly close, telling each other our deepest secrets and fears. We would even fight like siblings on the rare occasion that we had a disagreement.

It was great.

But we grew.

We thought we would be together forever, but that's not how it works.

Everything falls apart, even if it's made to hold together.

Things break, and people get hurt.

That's just how life works.

First it was my parent's marriage.

Then it was my mother.

Then my relationships.

Then the rest of my life.

But there was one thing that stayed the same.

My best friend.

The one person that I could always lean on.

The person I could always talk to when I needed help.


But then again, nothing is forever.

And I lost him too

Younger - Ruel Van DijkWhere stories live. Discover now