
494 17 3

Sunday - 3:57 pm
Acceptance is difficult.

It's never easy to know - and truly accept - the consequences of reality.

Nothing is perfect, and things are botched.

And knowing that you can't do anything about it hurts.

I lay sprawled on my bed, thinking over the same things.

Repeating the thoughts that had been running through my head for the past two days.

Deep in my heart, I know that what we had is over.

But I can't help but call her again.

I click on her contact, hearing the beeping in the ear piece.

It goes to voicemail after multiple seconds, making me sigh and hang up.

I knew what I would continue to do, so I did the one thing that would stop me.

I deleted her number.

Deep in my heart, I know that it's over
Deleted your number, so I can't call you


it sounded better before i wrote it

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