
570 22 0

Friday - 4:57 pm
"Please, just tell me what's going on. You haven't been the same and I just want to help you."

"You can't always help people Ruel. Somethings can't be fixed. What's happened can't be fixed. I'm sorry."

I turn and leave the boy, not being able to bear the sight of his sad expression and the tears falling down his face.

"Ellie, Ellie please," His voice cracks as he calls out to me. "Don't go! Not yet."

I continue walking, trying my hardest to ignore his cries.

I had told him everything but that of my mother and what that had done to my father and I.

No one knew.

If anyone knew of my father's state, he would be taken from me, and although he wasn't the best person, he was the only person.

My only person.

And I couldn't let him go.

My mind was in a depressed stupor, and I did the only thing that I always do in times like this.

I filled a plastic bag with as many unopened beer cans as I could get my hands on. An alarming amount if you were to ask anyone else.

But not to me.

I sat in the park, drinking my way through the night, knowing that I was now truly alone in the world.

And let me just say.

That is the worst feeling you can ever experience.

And no, I haven't seen you since we lost all our innocence
You left me in the dark while you drink in the park
I'll never be the same again.

I just wanted to add that the lyrics on this are the lyrics on 'Genius'

Younger - Ruel Van DijkWhere stories live. Discover now