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I ran up to the small boy with the bad haircut, hugging him tightly and smiling widely.

"You're here, you're here." I screamed over and over, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I missed you so much." The boy admitted, jumping as excitedly as I was.

Our parents, whom had been watching us, laughed and ushered us deeper into the house, telling us to go to my bedroom.

We bounded up the stairs, tripping and laughing and yelling like the 6 year olds we were.

"It's been so long since I last saw you!" I exclaimed once we had settled and were seated on the bed.

"It's been a long two days." He agreed, looking around to see if anything had changed since his last visit. He turned back towards me quickly, obviously remembering something. "I lost a tooth! Wanna see?"

He showed me the large gap between two other teeth, the tip of the new tooth poking through his gum.

"Wow! How much did you get for it?"

"Five dollars!"


He dug around in his pocket and brought out a small gold coin with a '2' engraved on it.

"You can have this."

He handed me the coin, and I looked at it in awe. I never got coins after what happened last time...

"Thank you! But why did you give it to me?"

"Five dollars is a lot of money. I don't need that much so I thought I could give some to you."

"Thank you so much!"

"Anything for my little sister."

I smile and return the statement.

"Anything for my big brother."

"Elektra, are you paying attention?"

I snapped out of my daze, looking up to find my teacher staring directly at me, along with the rest of my class.

"No, sorry miss."

"Well I expect each and every one of my students to learn in this class, and sleeping is not how to learn here."

I was tempted to tell her that I wasn't sleeping, and maybe insult her a little bit, but thought better of it and just nodded.

"Next time you won't be let off so easily." She finished before going back to her lesson on world war two.

As much as I tried to listen and at least seem interested, I couldn't. My mind kept wandering back to the memory played in my head minutes before.

Everything had changed since then, and I hated it.

Call you my brother, the way that we used to
When we were younger, younger


woah okay this is so bad

also i'm really sorry for not updating this for the past 2 months

i lowkey feel so bad about that

Younger - Ruel Van DijkWhere stories live. Discover now