The Jesus of Suburbia

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"So..." Billie Joe stood on the steps and looked at Andréa. "This is Suburbia," he opened his arms wide and swung around. He slowly lowered his arms in a sad manner and turned back to Andréa. "Where do you want to go first?"

"I don't mind... Whatever is easiest I guess," Andréa replied, shrugging.

"Okay, do you just want to walk around and see what we come across?" Andréa shrugged again, her shoulders ached furiously.

"Could we... Go to my house so I can drop this off?" She tugged her straps.

"Oh, shit, yeah sure, how long have you been wearing that for?" He begun to walk down the steps and Andréa followed him.

"Um, I don't know, I took it off whilst I slept but I always wore it when I walked, which was a long time to say the least..." She shuffled underneath the weight of the backpack again for effect.

"Do you want me to carry it for you?" He asked, outstretching his hand. Andréa shook her head violently.

"No, I can manage for just a bit longer," she said, nodding as if to reassure herself.

"Oh, okay," he said, nodding along with her. "So, where'd you come from?" Billie Joe asked as Andréa leveled with him.

"Aryane," before Billie Joe could utter a response, Andréa continued unceremoniously, "I got kicked out because I had brown hair and brown eyes and because I did plenty of illegal things." This obviously sparked his attention.

"Like what?" He asked, kicking a loose stone on the sidewalk.

"Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, playing and performing my music too loudly eccetera..." Andréa explained, waving her arms about, she ignored the deep aching and throbbing this action caused her.

"Do you play an instrument then?"

"Yeah, acoustic and electric guitar, and a little bit of piano and I can do a few rhythms on drums."

"Jesus Christ, how much spare time did you have?!" Billie Joe exclaimed. Andréa uttered a small laugh.

"Well, I got kicked out of school when I was sixteen, I went to the library to learn stuff though, I would have done well in my science exam if it weren't for getting expelled. So sometimes when I couldn't be bothered to go to the library I shut myself in my room and taught myself how to read music and play instruments," Andréa stated simply.

"Oh, awesome! Do you know what job you want to do here?" He asked as the two turned a corner.

"Um, whatever's available I guess," she shrugged her shoulders and immediately regretted it.

"Well, I'll have a chat with Ji- Saint Jimmy for you, if you want? What grades did you get?"

"Well, the last exam I took was before I left and I got perfect scores on English, German, and Science and then I passed Math and French."

"Oh, woah, you did fucking awesomely, did you do an exam for music?"

"Nah, the music they did was all classical and formal an shit and I wasn't into that boring crap," she said, surprised at her own words she pursed her lips. You're in Suburbia now, she told herself, do whatever you want.

"Fair enough, fair enough," he paused for a second, considering something, "would you mind playing for me? Like, we totally need another person in the band."

"You have a band?" She asked as she unintentionally started picking at the soft part of her thumb.

"Yeah," Billie Joe raised his arm and pointed at a single-story house, "That's your house and the one next to it is mine and my brother's house." Andréa looked up at Billie Joe's house. It was two stories tall and decorated to the brim with graffiti.

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