American Idiot

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The young boy sits in his crowded, dark room, strumming his guitar aimlessly.

The younger boy sits outside, his head against the wall, listening to his brother's music and wishing to talk to him again.

The young girl sits in the playground alone, trying not to have an anxiety attack yet wishing someone would talk to her


Andréa had always wanted to fit in, yet she never truly understood why. She knew that if she did fit in, she wouldn't be the person she was.

She was that little blip, that imperfection in a perfect image.

Andréa lived in an Aryan community and she had brown hair and brown eyes. No one, not even her parents could understand how she got these two traits, but somehow she did, and she was shunned for them. She didn't quite understand or comprehend why she was different to everyone else, but she learned to live with it.

On her fifteenth birthday, she received a letter from the Aryan government explaining that she will have to leave Aryane on her eighteenth birthday and find another community to live in. When she read it, she didn't quite know how to react to it. She felt a mixture of emotions churning away in her stomach and mind; confusions, happiness, sadness, disbelief, treachery.

Ever since that day, she disobeyed Aryane's laws to such an extent she was not allowed to continue her education. She was sixteen when she was expelled.

Never the less, she continued learning at home, by herself. Whenever her parents were away at work and her brothers were at school, she would go into her father's study and take his books about history, English, and any other educational books she could find.

She didn't really know why she wanted to learn, if she wanted to learn that badly then she wouldn't have broken the law.

Andréa continued teaching herself and she eventually started to sneak out to go to the library. She used to sit in the white-walled Aryane library for nearly the entire day before she had to go back to her house before her parents got back.

At first, though, she wasn't allowed in the library for long, but she eventually befriended the very opinionated librarian who began to feel a motherly tenderness towards Andréa and every day she let her stay for longer and longer.

The last time Andréa visited the library before she left, she nearly cried. The librarian had become her mother and she felt an unconditional love for her. It was hard to say goodbye, but she knew that the next day would definitely be harder.

On her eighteenth birthday she got a backpack filled with resources such as clothes and food.

After she had her last meal, Andréa and her family walked to the big arch that was the main entrance to Aryane. She stood underneath it and looked up at the slightly cracked archway. She slowly looked down and laid her eyes on the outside world. There was a large stretch of well-trimmed grass with a stone path running through the middle, but in the near distance, the grass was severely overgrown and the stone path slowly turned to gravel and even further along, the gravel turned into a dirt path.

She swallowed the lump in her throat yet it returned only a few seconds later.

Andréa readjusted the backpack on her back, it was already weighing her shoulders down painfully.

She turned around to see her family standing in a straight line- their faces were emotionless. Andréa said goodbye to each of the people who were letting her go. With a simple nod from her father, she turned her back on her life and began to walk into her future.

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