Dearly Beloved

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---- Quick note, I won't be able to finish this in the amount of days I have, that's a given, I've procrastinated too much... But, however, I shall finish as much as I can and I will finish it soon after I was supposed to depending on school work and the other books I have. Slightly shorter chapter too. See ya later, Taby x ----

Andréa had walked back to her own house shortly after Billie had gone upstairs and Jimmy had uttered his sincerest apologies. Andréa so badly wanted to demand that he return in exactly two months and accuse him of abandonment for the last time he left for years, but alas, she walked out anyway.

Her head still pounded furiously and she immediately lay down on her bed and stayed like that until late into the next morning. She occasionally drifted into the serenity of sleep, but she immediately awoke with a feeling of dread in her stomach and worrying about Billie; she would always tell herself that it wasn't serious just yet, and that she should help him get through his brother's absence without obsessively worrying about Billie. At midday, a knock rung from the door. Andréa hesitantly got up and walked cautiously over to the door, still in her clothes from before. Her hand shakily pushed the slim handle down; opening it slowly, she cast her eyes upon the person who knocked.

With no such surprise, Billie was standing there and looking lost.

"He left didn't he?" She asked quietly, picking her words carefully.

"Yup," he replied in the same way.

"Come in," she said, opening the door wider, letting him through.

"Thanks," he whispered. Billie plonked down onto the nearest couch and began to pick his nails, Andréa watched him curiously for a while before stepping in. She didn't quite know how to feel about the happenings that were taking place, she felt empathy towards Billie, and there was another feeling she just couldn't place that lingering in the back of her mind. She sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Dearly beloved are you listening," he sang softly.

"Yes, I am listening," she replied. He breathed in shakily and held it before releasing it again.

"How's your hangover? Any better?" He asked, obviously wanting to change the subject, yet general care laced his voice delicately.

"Just a mild headache, once I came back here I just laid in my bed and drifted off to sleep a few times... And I threw up a couple times too, but ya know, just the usual." she replied, her head still placed on his shoulder. Billie tilted his head just so it was gently rested on top of her head, Andréa closed her eyes. All her life she had wished for something like this to happen, she had written countless songs to express her lust for love.

"Good," he breathed. "You sure you don't need your stomach pumped or a charcoal drink or something?"

"Nah, I mean, I'm pretty sure I got rid of most of it, my body is used to it so I guess it's become tolerant or whatever. Was it hard? I mean, saying goodbye and everything..."

"It was, but I guess it's definite and it is to do with business, last time he said he was going to see some friends from Banhull, but he stayed there for two years to get over my father's passing," he stated dully.

"Good, I mean, good for the for part but not for the second..." She laughed awkwardly before cursing herself.

"So, whatd'ya wanna do today?" Billie asked.

"Write music," she lifted one shoulder up and down, "I don't really mind to be honest."

"I know, do you mind showing me some of your songs? We could go round to mine and you could show me?" Andréa nodded slowly before getting up and collecting her song book from her bedroom. The two of them walked side-by-side as thy travelled the short distance to Billie's house. In sync, they climbed the stairs and entered the music room. As Andréa started to ready Star, she began to voice aloud the questions she had that were overflowing her brain.

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