Tales From Another Broken Home

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Andréa awoke the next day when she felt bile creeping up her throat. After she finished removing the stale bile from her stomach, she made herself breakfast which she bought yesterday morning. Noticing it was still only nine o'clock when she had finished cooking and eating breakfast, she lay on her bed and opened her song book which she retrieved from Billie's house the previous day.

She laughed as she read some of her old songs which she wrote when she was fifteen or so. After she had flipped through the entire book, she swung her feet round so they touched the soft carpet of the floor before standing up again. She left the book open on her bed, but she was hesitant to leave it like that. She walked out the room anyway. She pulled on her Converse and hoodie before skipping over to Billie's house. She knocked twice but no answer came. She knocked again. Nothing. She gently pushed down on the handle. It was open.

"Billie?" She called out. Silence. Her heart began to hammer inside her chest, almost making her rib cage burst. "Billie?" Her voice was shaky, unsure of what was happening. She closed the door quietly behind her, she walked up the stair case quietly, calling out Billie's name every so often but met with silence each time. She was faced with the corridor. Andréa checked the music room first, but it was empty. She turned around and saw the other two doors which led to rooms she had never been to before. Taking a deep breath which did not decrease affect her heart rate, she knocked on the door on the left and pressed her ear against it. Silence. Muttering to herself, she knocked on the second door and pressed her ear against it. Faint, soft, sighing noises came from inside. She grasped the handle tightly and swung the door open.

The first thing she noticed was how messy the room was, yet when she looked closer, she saw Billie sitting on the floor, back against the wall, a tie tied around his arm and a syringe in one hand.

"Billie," Andréa gasped and ran over to him. Taking the needle carefully, she placed it on top of his bed before holding him gently. "Oh, Billie," she took a few stray strands of hair and placed them out of the way of his face.

"Sup," he said, looking sad yet his voice was excited, hyper almost.

"What did you take?" She rubbed her finger over the puncture hole. He didn't answer her. She sat in front of him and looked him up and down. She picked up the syringe again, but it didn't have any indication of what it was or what it would do. She huffed, annoyed. "Why did you do it?"

"I dunno, bored I guess," he said, laughing hysterically.

"Billie..." Panic nearly conquered her whole mind, but, with her body shaking, she stood up and tried to find a phone. She found one lying in the midst of Billie's muck and she searched through the contacts. Mike's name was the first to pop up, and she pressed the call button without any hesitation. It rung thrice then Mike picked up.

"Billie! What'dya want?" He asked happily. Andréa swallowed the huge lump in her throat.

"Mike, it's me, Andréa. I went round to Billie's house and I found him on his bedroom floor and taking drugs, I have no idea what he took can you please come round and make sure he is okay?" She spoke quickly and quietly.

"Yeah, I'll be right over," he hung up and Andréa slowly took the phone down from her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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