Chapter 1

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New Story guys hope you enjoy :)

DISCLAIMER: so the main character received a heart transplant 6 years ago, i am not a doctor and i don't know anything about how transplants work so whatever happens in this story because of that is not accurate in any way and has no medical evidence


Get it together Adelaide, you've been through worse. I thought to myself, dreading the moment when the car would stop.

I glanced over at Abbey, wondering if she was as nervous as I was. Or if I was overreacting as usual. It could just be first day jitters. Or maybe it was fear of change.

Moving hadn't been the first thing to pop into my mind when my parents called a family meeting two months ago, but as I thought about it, it had its advantages.

Nobody would know me. Nobody would know my story. Nobody would look at me any differently. I would just be the new girl, starting over. A clean slate.

But what if I didn't make any friends? Abbey was so good at that, and I didn't expect her to just stay by my side all through junior year. This new school would be my opportunity to come out of my shell, be less of an introvert.

But I could sense that wouldn't be happening any time soon. I blinked, shoving the fears as far to the back of my mind as I could reach. Nerves still courses through me, sending my fingers into a frenzy, tapping against the car door like crazy. My leg bounced up and down to the same rhythm.

I felt a cool hand on my arm. Abbey's lips brushed against my ear as she whispered to me, knowing I wouldn't want our parents to notice my nervousness. "Addie, everything will be fine. I'll be there with you."

"But what about when you find friends of your own?" I whispered back. She leaned back and shrugged.

"I guess they'll have to like you too." She responded, an honest gleam in her eyes.

My lips twitched upwards, a warm feeling going up my spine. She'd never abandon me. My fears were uncalled for.

The car came to a sudden jerking stop, sending me into a panic. My hands shot out, grabbing the door handle and the back of my seat. My heart pounded against my ribs painfully as an overwhelming terror washed over me, my eyes wide.

Abbey's arms were around me in an instant, protecting me from whatever would harm me. She hushed me under her breath as I hyperventilated, tears pricking at my eyes. "Shh. Addie. You're okay. You're okay."

I shut my eyes as flashes of six years ago came back to me, sending phantom pains across my chest. I cursed myself under my breath as I calmed down. How could I still be so weak as to be affected by this?

"It's been six years." I muttered harshly to myself, wiping away the tears that had fallen. "Stop being stupid."

I sat up. Abbey regarded me with a worried expression. I shook my head, blinking a few times before sending her a smile. My eyes drifted over to Cale on Abbey's left. His wide eyes were glued to the floor, a clenched fist against his chin.

After the crash six years ago, the two of us had had PTSD involving any sort of vehicle. It had gotten better over the years and Cale had stopped having fits but it was still pretty difficult for me, as proven by what just happened.

The car was parked haphazardly in front of the high school. My mother sat in the driver's seat, her white knuckles gripping the steering wheel tightly. She hadn't been injured in the crash, well besides a minor concussion, but she'd been fine after a week. PTSD lingered in her as it did us.

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