oo you taste good (boyf riends)

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Jeremy's P.O.V

"I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm actually fucking doing this!" I mutter under my breath.

"What did you thay Jeremy?" Rich asked smirking.

"O-Oh um... N-Nothing" I say, shifting uncomfortably.

The squip squad is sitting in a circle in the basement of Jake's house. We were about to play Seven Minutes In Heaven.

Rich grabbed a bottle and put it in the middle a big o'l smirk on his face. I sigh and sit down next to Jake and Brooke, looking at Michael from across the circle.

"Who's going to go first!?" Jenna asked excitedly basically bouncing up and down.

"HMMMM... How about Jeremy?" Rich asks looking straight (gay) into my eyes.

"U-um sure" I say. Michael shifts around a bit then takes a swig of his drink looking me dead in the eyes.

Michael's P.O.V

Jeremy is about to spin the bottle and he looks really nervous. Like he literally looks like he's about to pass out. He looks at me so I grab my drink and take a swig, staring at him as I do so. I don't break eye contact. I smile a calming smile in his direction and he seems to ease at my smile.

He grabs the bottle and spins it, eyes shut. The bottle spins around for a couple seconds and it slows down landing on... Oh shit. It. Lands. On. Me.

I'm about to do Seven Minutes in Heaven with Jeremiah Heere, my player 2, my long time crush. I turn a bright shade of red and just sit there wide eyed, staring at Jeremy. He eventually opens his eyes and sees the bottle has landed on me. He turns a dark shade of crimson and looks me directly in the eyes.

Jeremy's P.O.V

I open my eyes and immediately see a red faced Michael. I look down at the bottle and put two and two together. The bottle landed on Michael. The Michael I had a big ass crush on. Shit.

I stand up, all eyes on me, and start walking over to Michael. I reach my hand out gesturing for him to stand up so we can just get in the closet and get these seven minutes over with. He stands up awkwardly, shifting slightly.

I grab his hand and pull him in the closet, shutting the door tightly. We are so close I can feel his breath on my face. It smells like alcohol and weed brownies. I slowly get closer to him smiling to myself as I do. He turns a darker shade of crimson when he notices me moving forward. I grab his hands.

"M-Micah I n-need to...tell you something" I say with a deep breath. "A-Alright" he says, looking away from me blushing. "M-Mahal Kita..." I whisper and lean in. Somehow he turns more red but he still leans in tilting his head slightly.

Michael's P.O.V

Holy crap. Jeremy just said he loved me and now he's about to kiss me! What the fuck?! What do I do?!

I lean in slightly, tilting my head. His lips touch mine. A feeling of electricity flows through my body. I kiss back, smiling softly. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands move down to my hips. I open my mouth slightly and I feel him slip his tongue in my mouth, starting to explore the area. He moves his arms down and gropes my ass. I moan loudly. He pulls away smirking. That fucking asswipe. But he's my asswipe.

Jeremy's P.O.V

After that crazy kiss, I stand there, my smirk turning into a dorky grin. Michael's smiling at me, holding my hands. I take a shaky breath and I prepare "Michael Mell, will you be the riends to my boyf?".


"I like gay people"

I look over and see Rich, Chloe, and the rest of the squip squad at the door holding back giggles and screeches.

"You ruined the fucking moment dickwads" Michael says smiling ridiculously "But yes I will Jere-Bear". I smile and peck his lips. Everyone starts screaming and laughing.

Yeet that's the first one shot xD Hope you enjoyed it and there shall be more soon!
-Sincerely Me~

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