poor couch (deere)

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jeremy's p.o.v.

i was sitting on my couch crying like a baby.

you're probably wondering why.

well, i just got dumped by my now ex-boyfriend dustin. and at the time i acted like it didn't bother me. i totally didn't care that he left me for madeline.

okay i did care.

but hey, if he can move on so can i! so i decided to call one of my best friends, christine canigula. she always knew what to do and she was a huge sweetheart. (i simp for christine)

once she answered we talked about things for a bit and as a joke she said to call the pizza place and ask for their hottest and gayest delivery boy.

y'know what? that didn't sound like such a bad idea. it wasn't like anything was going to happen anyway. so i decided to just do it.

i called the restaurant, put in my special request, and waited.

jake's p.o.v.

i stopped my usual duty of creating pizza masterpieces when my boss, chloe valentine, screeched my name. i groaned and went into her office.


i looked at her with a exasperated expression. she gave me that look and i groaned.

"my shift is almost over though!" i exclaimed. i did not want to go do some stupid delivery right now.

"hey it's not fault. i got clear instructions from the person to send our hottest and gayest delivery boy and-"

"that's me?"

"ding ding ding! you get a gold star!"

"but what about rich?! he can go! he's hotter anyway!" (lies)

at that moment rich decided to pop in with a smug smile on his face.

"thanks buuut i have a date with micha. why don't you just go for it bro? you're single and what if this guy is hot?!"

i roll my eyes. rich always had a date with michael. honestly, i'm kinda jealous of them. every relationship i've had never lasted and rich and michael are so happy together.

"fine fine! i'll go! but if i get kidnapped it's your fault!"

i glare at the two and they smile at me as i grab my keys, a pizza, and head out.

jeremy's p.o.v.

i wake up from my depression nap to the sound of my doorbell.

woop pizza time baby!

i throw on a random hoodie and pair of shorts before bolting to my door, cash in hand. and when i open it, i almost have a stroke.

the guy at my door looks like a literal model.

"hello!"the mystery man at my door exclaimed, interrupting my thoughts.


i cringe at my stutter and wait for him to tell me the total.

he kinda just stares at me for a bit and i blush as i fiddle with my wallet.

"oh sorry! um...$10.95"

i hand the hot guy the money and take the pizza before shutting the door but stop when i see a foot holding the door open.

"i just was wondering...why the special instructions?"

i chuckle sadly and bite my lip, looking at the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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