Chapter 3: Exposing All Might for No Reason!

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(Mika's POV)

It has been two months since the entrance exam for U.A. I obviously passed, and I was top of the class with around 200 points, including both scores. Bakugou got second, and Midoriya got 8th place. Oh well, at least he got in.

As soon as I got my letter, I decided to take a jog to the beach that Midoriya recently cleaned. It wasn't just so I could get a nice run in, but to meet All Might up close, then expose him! Not to the whole world, of course, just letting them know I know.

Sure enough, the teacher and student were there, and Midoriya was crying an awful lot. I jogged over to them, "BROCCOLI!" Midoriya and All Might snapped their attention to me, who was waving and smiling like an idiot. "A-Ah! Mika!" Midoriya fidgeted.

"Huh? Why is All Might here? And why does he look like a skeleton?" I questioned. My curiosity was fake, of course. "EH?!" They both yelled, All Might spouting a fountain of blood from his mouth. "AND WHY ARE YOU COUGHING BLOOD?!" I exclaimed.

"Uh... th-there must be some kind of mistake here, young girl! I am not All Might!" All Might waved his hands in front of him in a dismissive manner. I narrowed my eyes at him, "No, you have the same power level displayed on the top of your head. It's identical to All Might. Explain." The boys sweatdropped while I was glaring at them.

"Fine... but you can't tell anyone else, okay?" All Might sighed and stared at me expectantly. I nodded and he started telling me exactly what he told Midoryia, minus the 'You can never be a hero' shit.

"Ohhhh... that makes so much more sense. Of course, I already knew all of this, I just wanted to waste your time!" I laughed. They looked at me with deadpanned expressions, "Are you sure about that? Or are you just a little overconfident with yourself?" Ouch, Midoriya. That fucking hurt.

"Not a chance, it was obvious he got injured when fighting a villain because he always steamed and threw up blood on camera, it was just too small of an amount for people to notice. I can also see your stats on top of your head. Midoriya, you're his successor, and I know this because your power level is higher than it was when I last saw you on tv, and that was also around the time when you started hanging around with All Might here. All the signs were obvious." I explained.

I'm lying my way through all of this bullshit right now! HAHA! They'll never know...

"I see, those are good analytical skills, Mika. You will definitely become a great hero in the future." All Might praised. "Eh, I know. That's why I went to the U.A. entrance exam. My quirk was pretty much made for becoming a hero." I bragged.

They sweatdropped.

"Yeah, it's a pretty impressive quirk. By the way, can you explain it to us? It would only be fair since you know about our quirks." Midoriya asked. I thought about that for a second. "Yeah, sure. My main quirk is obviously 'wolf,' a quirk that allows me to change into a wolf or just adopt a wolf's abilities as my own." I paused for a second to let the information sink in.

"My next quirk is 'toxins.' I don't have normal blood, instead, I have toxins running through my body. I can decide on what effects I want my toxins to have, and I can also breathe it out as a gas, effecting only who I want it to. The disadvantage of it is that my torso area will always be cold, hence the jacket." Should I tell them about my other quirk? I could pass it off as a quirk similar to Yaoyarozu's. Hmmm... I guess I could tell them about my Naruto-related quirk.

"I also have a different life force that flows through me called 'chakra.' I can release my chakra through ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, and dojutsu. Those are the main ones. Um... it's kind of hard to explain them all so I'll just show you." I faced the opposite direction from All Might and Midoriya then started doing the hand signs for the fireball jutsu.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" I yelled as I took a deep breath in, then released the fire that formed in my mouth. The fireball stayed like that for around a minute, then it stopped and I looked at the two boys who were staring at me in shock.

"Now I will show you genjutsu. Prepare to see something that should be impossible in real life." I smirked, then activated my genjutsu. It seemed like it worked because they were both extremely shocked and maybe a little scared? Who knows.

I released the genjutsu on them then started moving chakra to my eyes. I don't really know if I can use dojutsu... "This is dojutsu," I said, closing my eyes, then made the hand sign for the Byakugan. "Byakugan!" I snapped my eyes open, and I could see the chakra points in my body when I looked down. "Byakugan can basically see the life force flowing out of these little points, no bigger than a marble, and then if the user is incredibly precise, they can hit those life forces points, causing the victim to become weakened. When all of the life forces points are closed, the victim dies." I explained.

"Wow... that's kind of useless. It would be hard to hit something the size of a marble." I bonked Midoriya on the head. "It's not useless, idiot! This is why I trained." I sighed and rubbed my temples. "You're kind of dense when it comes to Dojutsu. Oh well, not like you'll need the information since you can't use it."

"Next is Taijutsu. It's pretty much just martial arts, but if you add in chakra, then your strength and speed will be increased. You can also apply it to your brain and your mental skills will be increased, giving you a sharper mind. That's pretty much all I can really tell you... I don't want to give away to much of my quirks because we might have to go against each other in U.A. I simply don't want to take any chances." I told them.

"I see, it's rare for someone to have so many quirks. They're all very useful, too... you really deserve your spot in U.A." All Might ruffled my hair and I pouted. "You know, I'm sure fans of yours would love to be patted on the head by you, but I'm not a big fan of my hair being messed up." I swatted his hand away.

"Ah, sorry..." He apologized. I nodded then looked at the time. "Hmm... well, I should be heading home. See ya!" I waved goodbye then ran off with my fastest speed. I'm excited to start at U.A. now...

(Okay, you may be wondering why I put this in as a chapter. It's simple, really. This is just my way of showing you her abilities instead of having a page based completely off of my OC's personality, quirk, and appearance. The way I'm doing it now, you get information while we also progress my OC's bond with the main characters, even if the conversation they're having is absolutely useless. Anyway, enough with the explaining. A ton of authors use this method, there is probably no need for me to explain it, I just wanted to. Now goodbye, my Otakers!)

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