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  Shit. Everything hurts. Everything's everything hurts. You looked up since had nothing else to do, trapped on your back like a fucking turtle. You could see where you fell from, if you squinted. That was far, pretty damn far. Impossibly far, I daresay. What kind of witchcraft happened to let you survive and have to endure this pain.Bitch, do I look like I know? I'm just telling the story. It happened to you, not me. You turned your head to the side, against your neck's wishes. Wow, didn't pass out. There was nothing really comforting, just some flowers that probably died when your fatass thought they were a good cushion.

 You closed your eyes and wondered if Charlene already left. Maybe she even called for some help. Doubt any was gonna come though. You were as good as dead. Eh, wuzzat? Crying? Oh shit, is someone else stuck down here? You slowly lifted yourself up, miraculously not falling over from the sheer pain, and stumbled to the source of the sobs.

  A tiny figure graced your vision. A child? Aww, poor thing.... trapped with no chance of escape. But as you drew closer, you realized it was not a child, but a very human sounding animal. "Hey there little buddy. How'd you get down here?" You reached your hand out to pet it, only to jump back as it burst into more tears upon seeing you. "Please don't hurt me!", this, cat dog thing, wailed. Despite how all common sense should have you tearing off in the other direction, you instead picked up the now trembling creature and petted it, cooing softly. Yes, you're a sky rat/ pigeon now.

   Whatever it was, it seemed to just need a nice, warm hug, because it soon fell quiet in your arms. You held it up to your face to make sure it didn't die or anything, just too get a giant lick across the cheek. "Th-Thank you! I can't believe, that you didn't kill me! I-I thought I was gonna die! I'm Temmie!" Temmie was standing on your shoulder now, like how Pikachu does for Ash. It was pretty cute and cool... "Um, hey.... Temmie, what are you? Temmie froze and nearly fell onto the ground, but you caught it last second. 'You haven't guessed? I'm a monster!" It wiggled as if being a monster was the best thing in the world.

  "Well, are you a he monster or a she monster? If it isn't rude to ask....?" You didn't know if monsters were as sensitive about genders as humans were, but Temmie wasn't really clear and just seemed like an excitable toddler. Temmie full out guffawed, unafraid of you now. "Wow, you really must not be able to tell from the obvious! I'm a girl!" This came as a surprise, since you were leaning towards her being a guy. Good thing monsters aren't like humans in this way...

  Temmie then looked at you oddly. "What about you, human? What's your name? Where are you from? How did you end up here? Are you sure you're ot gonna kill me?" You gave an abosulute neutral face, masking your surprise and oddly startling Temmie. "The only things you need to know are these; I am (Y/N) and I won't ever hurt you, okay? Temmie nodded, going on to slip under your shirt and curl into a ball. "Hey! What do you think your doing?" But she had fallen asleep, or was pretending to. You relented as you sighed, choosing to sleep as well.

Love's Haze (FellSwap Papyrus x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now