Guess Who's Back...

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   ...back again. Story's back. Tell a friend. And at some point in the long break which you entirely slept through, you had fallen onto to your side for more comfort. Sleeping in a dead monster's home, despicable. Oh well, the body has its needs.

    You woke up well rested, as one should, and proceeded to host a funeral for the previous owner. Despite the awful weather, you went outside. Like an idiot. Picking up a rock, you hacked away at the frozen ground until you made a decently sized hole. With the remains ready to be buried, all that  was left to do was say a few good words. Yep... You crossed your arms and closed your eyes, straining to find words to say about a stranger that was probably an awful person. if anything Asgore said was true.

   "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of this anonymous monster. Whoever they were, they must've been pretty smart and dumb at the same time, choosing to live so far from civilization. Lord knows how long they were actually dead..." Even though no one else was there, you felt good about yourself, having done something positive in this supposedly cruel place.

  You were about to head back inside, when there was a sudden rustle at the tree line. You picked your rock back up, like that was actually gonna save  you. Who knows, maybe this rock was on your side. "I am legally obligated to say that I know tae kwon do!" You never got past being a yellow belt, because the place charged too much and you fell out of it after that. But they didn't know that.

  The rustling quieted down for a moment, then returned in full force as something shot out of the brush. A tiny, black-haired something. You have been blessed once more with your good friend Temmie. She shuddered against your leg, apparently scared witless. Probably not by your display of bravery. You scooped up the poor monster and dashed inside, locking the door behind you.

  You were screwed, God, you were so screwed. You could hear something walking through the snow outside. There was no escaping fate this time. The footsteps came closer to the door, stopping right in front of it. A soft knock echoed through the building. And again. The hell was this monster up to? "Y'know, when someone knocks, you're supposed ta say 'Who's there?'." Oh, this guy again. The skeleton creep. Might as well humor your murderer. "Who's there?" There was an amused chuckle. "Cher." Goddammit. "Cher who?" This guy was an ass. "Cher would be nice if you opened the door." (Thanks!)

  Disgusting. Every inch of your body hated that joke, yet a smile managed to creep across your face anyways. "Nice for you, maybe. I happen to like living." A thump on the other side, with another laugh. "C'mon, give a guy a chance. Not everyone's as bad as they seem. Don't judge a book by it's cover and all that. Besides, I could just break down the door if I wanted." You scooted away from the door in alarm. "Not that I'm in that kinda mood..." Weirdo. Without warning, you opened the door and watched in satisfaction as the large skeleton toppled over.

  He shot you a lopsided grin as he stood up, once again towering over you. "Guess ya got tired of the iceolation. You forced down the laughter welling up inside. This guy had some figurative guts... "If you're not here to kill me, what do you want?" He ignored you, opting to walk inside instead. Following behind him, you finally got to look at your new home. It was pretty nice actually. "Nice pad ya got here. Think I'll take it."

Love's Haze (FellSwap Papyrus x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now