I Have No Title...

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   .....But you're still running. It's been a while now, and the creep probably isn't following you anymore, if they even were in the first place. It never crossed your mind to look. What a waste, or not. Never mind that, they're gone now, so you can rest. You sat down against one of the trees, and a cold shiver jolted through your body. The snow, that still existed... You sighed in defeat. Life sucked outside of the Ruins, and honestly, you wanted to give up. Maybe convince Asgore to let you back in. But then you remembered, remembered why you needed to get out. Charlene. So she wouldn't worry herself with thoughts of her letting you die, while you were in mostly perfect condition. She was too good for anyone, really. Why she chose you is beyond your comprehension.

   You got up, despite being cold, tired, and looking as if you wet yourself. For Charlene, you will survive, and for Charlene, you will escape. You trekked onward into the unknown terrain. It was either a big forest, or you were lost. With your luck, it was probably both. Regardless, you kept moving, propelled by this feeling, one that refused to let you stop, no matter what. It felt pretty good. However, you were focusing too hard on identifying the feeling, and walked directly into something. A big, hard something.

  Overcoming the initial shock of falling, and the cold snow, you looked up at what had so rudely interrupted your train of thought. Boy, was it worth it. Before you stood a nice log cabin. Who built? Who knows. But apparently they didn't want visitors. Too bad for them, for thou hast come across their quarters and would not take no for an answer.

   You knocked on the door and waited. Hopefully they'd at least give you something to eat along the way, and some directions. But nobody came. You tried again, a bit louder. No response, and the door swung open a crack. Despite your horror movie knowledge yelling at you, you were filled with curiosity and decided to explore the house. It was eerily quiet. And somehow colder than it was outdoors. You found the fireplace, and with a few trips back outside and your matchbook from your trusty backpack, you had a warm flame to comfort you and provide light. 

   That's when you noticed it. The abnormally large pile of dust on the floor. A spark went off in your brain as you wondered what it was. Oh yeah, didn't that book say something about monsters and dust? You sat for a few more minutes before it clicked. Monsters turn to dust upon death. Therefore, that used to be a living breathing creature. You squeaked as every shadow suddenly appeared to hold some danger. How did they die? Were they murdered? You scooted closer to the fire. As you watched it's dancing flames, you relaxed and let your mind drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Just gonna say, Wattpad deleted most of my first draft, but this is so much better! Thanks Wattpad!

Love's Haze (FellSwap Papyrus x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now