Goddamned Little...

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  ... bastard fuckwad said what now? "I think the fuck not, you trick ass bitch." You attempted to push him to the door, but he was too big, barely swaying. He looked pretty bored, actually... "I was here first dickhead! Find some other place to wank!" You suddenly got yanked up in the air, and face-to-face with the house thief. "He stared at you, then tossed you over his shoulder like the potato sack you secretly were. "What the hell?! Put me down asshat!" You angrily smacked the back of his head, but he didn't even flinch. Who is this guy, Superman? You could feel the cold air from outdoors on your back now, this wasn't good. 

   He unceremoniously dumped you in the snow. "House or soul, human." He couldn't be for real, right? Killing you over a measly cabin is stupid. "I ain't leaving empty-handed. Which'll it be; the house or ya soul?" It didn't take an especially bright mind to see the house was the better decision. If he took your soul, he could still have the nice cozy place that you had found first and therefore should have been yours if the bastard hadn't come along.

   "Fine, take it. The building I mean. Just let me get my stuff and I'll get out." You started to trudge back inside in your once again moist pants. But he stood in your way. "Nah, ya can stay. I already got a house." ... 



   "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU GREEDY BASTARD! WHAT IS THIS, SOME KINDA JOKE? DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?" You gave him a swift kick to the shin and caught him wincing. "YOU DESERVE MORE THAN A KICK, COCKWIPE!" With those lovely parting words, you stomped back inside, only to see him already there. God, this guy was infuriating! Honestly, Charlene would probably blow a fuse here. Charlene... Your anger melted away. She's probably forgotten about you by now. There's nothing left for you on the surface anymore if she has.

   You sighed in defeat, there was no point in resisting. He'd take your soul eventually, might as well give up, give in. "Whatever, just stay away from me, creep." You shouldered past him, refusing to make eye-contact. "Name's Papyrus." "Creep."

Love's Haze (FellSwap Papyrus x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now