A Sight To Behold

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Chapter 4

I had hoped to never see her again. And for the better part of two years, it turned out pretty much that way. I might have glanced at someone with similar features once or twice during that time, but I simply avoided coming closer to that particular person in order to escape the chance of an encounter. I had graduated from college, and was now working for a company for less than year. I diligently focused on my work the same way I did during my time at school. Even though I didn't have any ambition, the way I did my work mechanically like a machine was something to be proud about supposedly. At least, that's how my paycheck saw the whole thing. My life seemed to have been pretty much set in stone by then. I even finally found a girlfriend who could deal with my boring and my even more boring life. So I had someone to fuck a couple of times during the week to efficiently alleviate my stress. I didn't love her. I think she knew it. Did she simply turn a bind eye, or was she too using me for her own interests? Doesn't really matter. I don't think she loved me either. Not that I think I would love myself even if I was forced to. It was a night like many others. That particular client loved to meet in a peculiar environment, even if it was only to speak business. Not that he was the only one with such special requests. And to be honest, it didn't bother me all that much. It was the third time maybe that I would come to this place. Normally we would meet on a Tuesday, but because of some unforeseen inconveniences, he decided that we should meet on the following Thursday instead. It was a place that could be attributed to the category of 'adult entertainment.' Yet it wasn't the traditional strip club like most men would think of when hearing the term 'adult entertainment.' No... It was a place a bit more 'classy' But don't misunderstand alright... The theme around the whole establishment was very much 'sex' indeed. But instead of the term 'prostitutes' the women would bear the name of 'hostesses.' And instead on dancing nude around a pole indecently, they would simply serve drinks and food to the clients all the while sitting around the table to fake interest on the clients' pathetic life. Some people might probably wonder why such a business would be categorized as something similar to a strip club... But what you need to understand here is that every woman serving in that particular establishment can be bought for the night. The only thing is, you need to pay the high price alright. Those women are high-quality prostitutes after all... So I was with the man, speaking of everything except meaningful topics, until the hostess came in. She started asking if we needed anything to drink, but became agitated in the middle of her speech all of a sudden. Probably because she finally understood with whom she was dealing with. Because... Obviously... it was her. She was there. In front of me. Those eyes... this smile... I could hardly believe it. She was still as beautiful as ever. And with what she was wearing—a tight, sensual black dress—it was hard not to think of anything else but sex when looking at her. Those dark urges that made their apparition 2 years ago... the vulgar and evil passion which had driven my mind completely wild back then... Everything that I felt on that single night was rekindled instantly. The woman I thought might have been a virgin 2 years ago was working as a hostess. For how long has she been doing this? Again she made a fool out of me... I fought those urges the best I could on that night, thinking how wrong it would be to subject those evil intentions onto such a pure and delicate woman... When in reality she was stained from the very beginning. She probably even wanted the damn thing! Forcing me to pay after the fact probably... How sly of her. How fucking sly of her... Looking down on me like that... Fucking bitch! This time.........

"C-Can't we speak for a bit..." She said, extremely tense. It was now a full hour after meeting her at the bar. I had chatted with her for a bit, not hiding my complete disinterest in what she was saying, only looking at her body in complete lust. I didn't say anything about her profession... perhaps she thought I was mindful or something... well, I betrayed that thought alright. I simply said to her: 'Let's finish the night at the hotel.' And that's where we are now. We've literally just taken the first step into the room, and I've already ordered her to take off her clothes. "We've just arrived." She pointed out, "w-we should drink some wine to loosen up the mood! Don't you think??" I don't believe this! That cunt has been spreading her legs for dirty old men for god knows how long, yet she's reluctant to the idea of undressing in front of me!? How long is she going to insult me like this!? "I don't give a shit about your opinion in the matter..." I can sense her fear and it both excites and scares me. "But..." she interjects. "I SAID TO FUCKING UNDRESS ALREADY!!! ISN'T THAT FUCKING CLEAR TO YOU!?!?" I start shouting frantically. We're both standing in front of one another with only four feet separating us apart. She's visibly agitated by my sudden behavior. Thankfully enough, the exit is behind me so she can't escape easily. She does as I ask—and she's visibly pained by the fact—while I look at her every movement with those ever so filthy eyes of mine. I'm so absorbed by her that I almost forget how to breathe. "Ohh? What's this? Is this supposed to be your cute side or something? How disgusting...' To my surprise, she's not wearing a G-string. She's wearing ordinary panties with some ridiculous motifs on it. Some kind of running shoes or something... "Ahh? Huh, yeah... I wear it because... well, y-you don't like it?" I sneer exaggeratedly as an answer to her question. Her eyes fall down in frustration. I start to enjoying myself. Humiliating her might very well be what I finally need to cope with myself. But while those pleasant thoughts start to take form inside of my mind. What happened next was a bit of a blur for me. I remember shouting and pinning her hands against the bedframe. She wasn't scared at all. I was nothing to her. Those eyes were telling me this. I started laughing dryly like a maniac. She's continuously harassing me even in this situation. She saw through me with ease. I was never a match for her. I let go of her dully, get off the bed slowly, and turn away from her... completely defeated. Still, I was laughing. "Ge..." I try to speak, but I guess I'm not totally prepared for it yet. I take another breath, and then try another time. "Get out..." There's no use anymore. All I ever wanted was for her to feel as hopeless as I do. But now that I've noticed... Now that I have noticed that her hopelessness was greater than even my own... There was no point in doing this anymore. There was nothing left for me to take away from her anymore. There was never anything for me to take away from her in the first place. How fucking pathetic... "I don't wanna..." She said with a decisiveness. I didn't see her. I didn't have the courage to look at her anymore. But I knew what kind of face she was making. I don't want to see her again. "GET OUT!! WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!!" To that, she hugged me from behind. It was an awkward hug. Something normally only an inexperienced teenage boy would uncomfortably do to his first girlfriend. Yet I felt her strength. Her determination. How irritating... I turn around violently. I take her perfect visage roughly in my left hand, put strength on my hold, push her on the wall beside us, all the while making sure she feels the pain with every motion I make. I have to make her understand. "Don't you understand!? If you stay here, I'll break you!!" My face was extremely close to hers. I could've literally eaten her all up right that instant. Yet, she didn't flinch. She didn't look away from my fully dilated pupils. She didn't show any sign of pain, even though she was definitely feeling quite some. She was now showing me her true self for the first time in all those years. And, at that very moment.... "That's exactly what I want you to do." I noticed that, out of the both of us, I was the one who was really frightened.

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