Those Eyes Of Hers

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Chapter 12

We drank. And later that night we danced. We went to a club this time around. I was not a good dancer at all. Very awkward indeed. But she didn't care. She smiled nonetheless. She would always smile no matter what. And it was a beautiful night. A beautiful night... something I would rarely even notice before then. "This week was the best days of my entire life," she pointed out while moving close to me. We were on the dancefloor, but didn't move with the crowd. We were standing there, looking at each other, moving slowly while staring into each other's eyes. Her eyes were things out of this world. I smile and reply, "This does look like the place where you would say these kinds of things." I looked around. There were a lot of beautiful colors flashing, the music was moving us without our consent, and the ambience gave the impression that we're on top of the world. It was a beautiful night indeed. "I'm not talking about this place," she said without blinking. 'Nor am I talking about this city. I'm talking about you. Only you. Do you believe me?" I nodded lightly. How could I not with those eyes of hers? "Good." She kissed me deeply for a long, long time. She then muttered out something I had a hard time understanding because of the music. "What did you say?" She touched my stomach lightly. "Nothing..." She hugged me for the most part of the night. I was happy there was no accident tonight. No shouting. No pushing. I was glad. How stupid I was. Not understanding that the night has yet to be over. We were so drunk we had no other choice but to finish the night at our 'old' hotel room. It was conveniently a lot closer to the club we were at then the atrocious motel room she rented earlier today. It was when she was taking a shower. I noticed something on the ground. A business card or something. I unconsciously took it roughly into my hands and studied it. It was a man's, and on the back it was written 'call me.' Already I was pissed. I didn't know why. She got out of the shower, and dressed up. I then instantly confronted her. "What the fuck is this?" She glanced at the piece of paper with no reaction. "I don't know? What is it...?" I read the name on the card. I notice a slight reaction on her part. "So you know him." She starts to explain the whole situation. "W-Well, there was a man who tried to talk to me while you were buying us a drink. He told me his name was Henry, but I didn't wanna talk to him! Even less take his card..." Always conveniently while I'm away... I throw the card in her direction and start walking toward the exit. 'Tim...? Where are you going, Tim!?" I continue walking to the door. "You're not thinking of finding that guy, are you...?" I spin around and look at her. "And what if I am...?" She instantly tries to get in between me and the door. Seeing that she can't pass in front of me, she quickly decides to hug me from behind instead. Is she trying to control me? She is, isn't she? Trying to make me feel as though I'm important to her... Then, all of a sudden, a thought crossed my mind. There was no logic behind it. The booze must have been at it. Yet I was so compelled to think it true. "Is that why...?" I asked her as though she knew what I was referring to. "... Is that why you rented that other room at the motel? To meet with some other men? That's why you pushed me to drink past my limit all night, eh!?" She quickly tightens her grip against my stomach and I wince slightly. "No! There's no way I would do such a thing—" Do I really believe her though? "You keep telling me this, but is that even true? You're a prostitute after all, aren't you? I don't even know you..." I don't know her. I thought I did... but there's no way such a girl would love a loser such as myself. The moment those words left my mouth. I see it in her eyes, I see that I've hurt her more than I ever did. Still, her hold on me never weakened... even then. It irritates me to such an extent!! "I said get off of me!!" She refuses still, so I shake her off aggressively. The result: she hits her head hard on the right wall next to us, and falls to the ground pitiably. I froze stiff. I didn't mean to hurt her. I instantly look back at her to make sure she's okay... "Are you alrig—??" 'I need to help her...' Those were my thoughts. Until... "I, I'm fine... Thanks..." She flashes me a bright smile, even though she looks quite in pain. I have no right to help her... I try again to direct myself to the door, but she gets ahold of my leg in return. "Please... don't go..." I try to walk nonetheless, but she puts her everything to it. The thought of shaking her off almost became a reality, but then I remembered what I just did. So instead, I just dropped down on the floor and sat right next to her, defeated. She lies her head down on me as if nothing had ever happened. Yet... I still felt anger. What a kid I am. Later on, I drank the bottle of champagne all by myself and passed out in front of the door, thinking of blocking her way if she ever thought of trying to leave. The next day, I felt disgusted with myself. Not because I was hung over or anything of the sort. No... the moment my eyes opened, I knew.

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