Act III Scene II

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"I'll do everything I can, I promise." Jimin's voice was earnest and kind, a soothing ointment to Hoseok's nerves.

The three of them were strolling through the courtyard of the hotel, enjoying the afternoon sea breeze. It was a beautiful summer day, but none of the men seemed very focused on that at all. Looking back on it, perhaps they should have been. Perhaps we all should have stopped that day and listened to the wind. But we didn't, and look where it led us.

"Please do," Jungkook chimed in, looking to Jimin pleadingly. "Tae's been so upset about this, you'd think he was the one being fired!"

Jimin sighed and gave a reassuring smile to both Jungkook and Hoseok. "Taehyung is such a sweetheart. Don't worry though, Hobi, you and Namjoon will be as close as ever. Just give me time. He can be a bit stubborn."

Hoseok pulled Jimin into a hug, grateful beyond expression. More than this job and his reputation, he just wanted his best friend back. "Thank you. I owe you everything, Min."

"Of course not, love." He pulled back to look into Hoseok's eyes, wanting to calm him. He wanted to convince Hoseok of his dedication to his cause. 

"I know him better than anyone Hobi, and the only reason Namjoon is doing this is because he's new to this job. He feels like he has something to prove. But I won't give him a minute's rest until he takes you back, okay? I'll keep him up all night and day if I have to. He won't be able to escape it."

Hoseok looked at him wide-eyed, shocked that Jimin would be willing to go that far for him. He knew that the man was kind, but this was a whole other level of compassion. 

Jimin just gave his arm one last squeeze before stepping away. "I'll advocate for you until my last breath, Hobi. So don't worry about a thing."

Seagulls cried overhead, bringing life to the silent moment of Hoseok's wordless gratitude. Soon that moment was over, however, and two voices sounded from around the corner. 

Jungkook peered over his friend's shoulders to see who it was. 

"They're coming, they're coming!" he whispered frantically. "Taehyung and Namjoon."

Hoseok looked over his shoulder in alarm. "Okay, guess I gotta jet," he said frantically, whipping his head back to the other two.

Jimin pursed his lips, looking confused. "You don't want to stay and hear me talk to him about you?"

"Nope, nope, definitely not." Hoseok looked like he was going to pass out. Or vomit. Or both. "You're gonna do great, though! I believe in you. Thanks for everything, Jimin, you're the best!"

Without pause for another word, Hoseok darted back to his room.

From a distance, Taehyung watched in fascination as Hoseok dashed toward one of the nearby villas. 

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