Almost Fatal

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Inside the hospital room, the Doctors and Nurses are hard at work. Two of the Doctors are taking notes while the other two are trying to re-start Casady's heart. Her heart stopped three minutes ago. The fifth Doctor is reviewing her medical records. The two Nurses are watching over everything, and helping where the Doctors need help.

Meanwhile, Beverly is sttting in an uncomfortable position, cying because she is unsure what will happen. She even starts to think that it would of been better if she just would of stayed at school with the rest of the class. A nuse is comming in her direction walking to another patient. The nurse glances down and see's Beverly alone and crying so she stops and takes a seat next to her.

"Are you okay?" The nurse says in a kind and warm tone.

"No, my friend, she is in there, and I have apsolutely no idea what is going on. They wont allow me to see or know or anything. I should of just stayed at school." Beverly says which makes her cry even harder.

"What is her name?"


"What happened to her?"

"We were all at school, fine and dandy. Then my teachers computer started playing music and she started having a seziur. A few seconds later she passed out and still hasn't woken up."

"Oh, then why did they shove you out of the room?"

"I was in there and her heart monitor went off cause her heart rate was falling, so they pushed me out here."

"I see. You should feel that way though."

"What way?"

"That you should not have come."

"Yes I should, what is there for me to do here anyway? Aside from cry."

"Well, when Casady wakes up, you will be the first person that she will see."

"How do you know that she will wake up?

"Because I have faith in the Doctors. I am sure they are doing everything in their power to make sure Casady is safe. Do you want me to see what is going on?"

"Could you?"

"Yes, give me just a second."

The nurse knocks on the door, and let's herself in. Right as the nurse closes the door, Casady's heart starts.

"Excuse me?" She asks the closest nurse.

"Hey Joann, what's up?"

"Well, there is a girl out front and she wants to know what's going on and how Casady is doing?"

"Well, her heart just started and her heart ra-" Just then, a gasp of air is taken from someone in the room. Everyone in the room looks and sees that Casady is awake. She has awaken forty five minutes after passing out. "-te is normal. And now she's awake!" she finishes excitedly.

"Is Beverly allowed to come in now?"


"The girl waiting out front."

"I don't see why not."

"Okay" she says walking out the door to Beverly.

"What did they say?"

"Well, her heart monitor went off because her heart stopped. However, they fixed it and Casady just woke up."

"Can I go see her?"


"Thank you!"

All of the doctors and nurses file out of the room, except for one doctor.

"Do you know Casady?" he asks Beverly.

"Yes, why?"

"Can I talk to you outside for a moment?"

She glances toward Casady, then says, "sure."

"Unfortunately we don't know what happened to Casady or why she has a cezuire and passed out. Has she had any previous experiences with this, or any other illness'?"

"Not that I know of"

"Hmm, well I am going to call her parents right now, you are more than welcome to sit in there with her meanwhile."

"Thank you. Do you already have their phone number?"

"Yes, it is in her medical file."

"Okay, great."

Beverly walked back in the room with a comforting smile toward Casady. She sat down and they started talking. Not two minutes later, though, did something completely out of the ordinary happen. Right when Beverly looks down into her purse, with no warning, a book appears directly above Casady's stomach. It fell onto her, making her out of breath. When Casady looked down at it with confusion, she was not surprised. Nothing is surprising to her after what just happened. The title of the book reads, The Legend of a Dark and Twisted Knight.

Before Beverly looks up from her purse, Casady hid the mysterious old book under the sheets of her hospital bed. Where in the world could this have come from? Casady has too many questions to count, and no one to ask.

"I have to go, I will be back in an hour, I promis!" Beverly says, standing up from the chair.

"Okay," She says and Beverly walks toward the door. Before she has a chance to open it, Casady adds,"Beverly?"


"Thank you!"

"For what?"

"For comming with me, and making sure that I was okay."

"I wouldnt of had it any other way."

Immediately after Beverly leaves, Casady quickly takes the book out from under the sheets. It is an old dusty book, that contains a few tears in the brown leather. She opens it to the first page where it contains the title, The Ledgend of a Dark and Twisted Knight. She turns it over to the second page where there is a mirror. At first, she sees herself. Then, she starts to fade away and a gray color takes over. It looks like a cloudy sky soon she is able to see tops of trees.

Within an instant there is a strong wind in the hospital room. She is thrust backwards, while the room starts to look smaller and smaller. As if it is a door and she is backing up from it. Casady looks down and realizes that she is laying on soil. She looks at where she is and realizes that she is in the middle of a forest. How could she of gotten here?

Casady grabs her head as it starts pounding. She starts to feel sissy from the pain when she realizes that nothing is with her except her cloths and the book. Her backpack is gone, along with the hospital room and everything in it. Casady frantically opens the book back up to the second page where the mirror was. Now she sees the hospital room.

"Take me home!" She commands the book.

No wind picks up, she is not thrust into it, instead, the picture blurs and the word, 'No' appears across the page. She stares at it for a minute and then suddenly, more words appear across the page.

'Read, Casady, read' Is all it says. How could a book know her name? How could a book teleport her? These were the question running through Casady's mind. However, they were the wrong questions.

She decides to have a look at the next page in the book. It contains a map. It has a rusty orange, beeping dot on it. It also has a bright purple one.

"So one of these signals must be mine, and the other one is someone else!" She says with excitement. She looks around and realizes that she is all alone and no one is there to congratulate her.

The question Casady wants to know now is; should she go toward the other signal, or stay where she is at?

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