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The ability of the mind is an endless supply of power. It can be used for good, or for bad. This unique power has only been given to a chosen few. With the number at six for the past decade, it slowly begins to climb faster than it ever has. However, such wonderful gifts come with a price. The problem with this twisted gift is that your mind can take control of you.

Scarlet, the seventh one to be chosen, is a typical ordinary teenager. She is in her junior year of high school with an abusive father, a distraught mother, and a scared sister. When she is finally starting to come out of her shy stage, and beginning to experience what life has to offer, her life is flipped upside down, and she losses control of reality.

Strange things continue to happen to Scarlet until she tests a theory of hers. To her surprise, her theory is correct, she can control things with her mind. The problem with testing the boundaries of this new exciting and dangerous gift is that, every time she sues it, she passes out. This is only the beginning. Scarlet soon finds herself transported to a time before she was born, and a place halfway around the world, through a book.

She has questions, but does not know where to turn for answers. Scarlet follows the book and is soon told what she desires and needs to know to survive. When Scarlet starts to loose control of her reality, will she be able to stop this from happening and take back her mind?

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