Yellow Roses

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^Yellow roses symbolize friendship/joy^

This chapter was supposed to come out two days ago, sorry

Oh my god thank you for 1.1k reads!!

-Midoriyas POV-

I usually don't go on such ball things, and to be honest I<'m really stressed out. What should I wear and what should I do once Eiji and i are there? I barely even know the people there. Maybe only Bakugou, Uraraka, Kaminari, okay I think I now more than I thought.

"Don't stress Deku. I'm sure we will find something other than your villain clothes" Toga is over at my place to help me with my outfit. I know it's not the best idea to ask Toga, but she was the only one who had time. "Why can't I just wear some of my villain clothes. They are clean and are still in one piece" I take out a button-up-shirt "See" she turns around and raises one eyebrow "You sure?" I turn that clothing around and see a big blood stain and a lot of small holes "Fuck".

"You could just wear a dre-" "No, not happening" she sighs and we continue to search for something normal.

"We could ask Shiggi if he has something" I chuckle "I don't think that he has such kind of clothing" she shrugs "Then maybe Dabi?" I shake my head "No, he wouldn't even give me his clothes" she closes her eyes and nods "I know. But he was right, it was kind of a bitch move" "Wait, how do you know-" she places her finger on my mouth "Shush. If I want to know something, I will now" I think she would even kill for the smallest information. "I will call Dabi and tell him that I want to cross-dress. He will believe me" I close my closet and sit down on my bed.

Toga called Dabi and after that she went to pick up the suit, or whatever she's getting.

I hear my phone go off. I answer it and hear Toga whispering "Why are you calling me and why are you whispering, I just didn't understand a word" she stay silent for a moment, but eventually answers "Sorry, Dabi was just in the room. So I just called to inform you that Dabi has been stealing your things. Like a little bit of your clothes and such unimportant stuff, but get this, he stole family pictures from you and has a small collection of pictures he made when he stalked you" she giggles in-between her sentences "How did you even find it?" "I was searching for cool stuff in his closet and found it in a box. However don't you think his clothes will be a little bit too big for you?" oh shit, I haven't thought about that "Fuck, just take the smallest size you can find" she stays silent for a moment "I'm wearing the smallest I found and my boobs have enough room, like there could be another pair of my boobs you know" I face-palm myself "Just take the clothes, I will think of something" she hums in response and ends the call.

About twenty minutes later Toga returned with the suit. "Toga are you kidding me" she walks in and closes the door "Take the suit off. I'm suppose to wearing it" she walks in my bedroom and picks something about for her to wear. "Boy clothes are cormfy" I nod and Toga starts to change in my black hoodie and grey sweatpants.

Toga and I have a really strong friendship. I think I never had someone like Toga. She is the 'yeet' to my 'this bitch empty' if you know what I mean. Sometimes on missions we would do shit together and when the mission end Mamagiri would ground us for doing that shit. We always do stuff for shit and giggles. 

We tell each other our secrets and talk bad about other people. I know it's bad to talk behind peoples backs, but we are villains, so what did you expect? We also could stand naked in front of each other and we wouldn't try anything and wouldn't be turned on. We are like twins, you know. I think you get me.

"So what are you gonna do with it. It's obviously too big for you" I smile at her "You know how those men in ads and on instagram make this one sexy look, when they loosen their button-up-shirts and unbutton like thousand buttons? I'll try to do something like that, but that I look dressed, I don't want others to stare at my chest" she nods "Yeah, would be suspicious with your scars" I look at her and she points at my chest with a raised eyebrow. 

I even forget that I have scars. It has become such a normal thing to me, that I just don't pay attention anymore.

I got dressed and mastered the look. "So what do you think?" she stands up of the bed and walks a circle around me. She stops in front of me and looks me up and down, then shows a dumb up "You did it. You don't look like a porno star and you also don't look as if an overprotective mother dressed you" she brings her hand up to her chin and checks me again "You kind of remind me of a pirate, in a good way" I roll my eyes.

"When will your boyfriend pick you up?" I check the time, it's almost 8 pm "He should be here soon" she nods and goes in my kitchen, I follow her "I guess you will stay here?" "Yes. So where do you hide your sweets?" I sigh "Behind the cereal boxes" she shows the cereal boxes away and takes all the sweets off of there.

I walk up to the mirror in my bathroom and go through my hair "Should I do something with my hair?" she walk in the bathroom with her hands full of cookies "You could brush your hair on one side and the other hair, what can't go on the other side, you could put behind your ear. You would look more like a pirate, if you put on an earring" I turn around ad cross my arms "Toga this is not a costume party. We can cosplay jack sparrow another day, or other pirates" she grins and we walk our of the bathroom.

Not long after, someone knocks on the door. Toga goes open it "WWHOOO DEKU you got yourself a snack" I hear Eiji walk in and then closing the door.

I take my phone and walk out of my bedroom, to Eiji and Toga. "Hey Izu" I feel my face heat up. He is wearing a red button-up with a black suit-jacket and a black tie, plus his hair is down . In all, he is hot.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer" he winks and I feel like dying inside "Eijiiiiiiii" he laughs and walk up to me and gives me a deep kiss "You look hot Izu" I hide my face in his chest and he laughs even more "Ew guys, I'm still here. Do your relationship stuff somewhere, where I'm not present" we look at her and she is leaning in the sofa with a cookie in her hand. I roll my eyes.

"Shall we go?" he nods and we say goodbye to Toga "Hey before you go. Good luck Kirishima, on the mission" we ignore that and just leave.

This chapter was to show a little bit like how their friendship is?

However I'm moving back home and didn't have enough time to update, forgive me

1261 words

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