Chapter 3: Dhea'dinvunin

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As the weeks went by, the clan continued to prepare for Dhea'dinvunin . Decorations were set up, treats were prepared, and offerings were gathered for separate events that would occur that day. When the day of the celebration finally arrived and all the decorations were put into place, everyone woke up early to get everything started. Nahari was the last to wake up, having been stirred awake by the sound of music and drums that signified the beginning of the holiday. The young girl coughed, shivering slightly as she wrapped her blanket tighter around herself. She would have drifted back to sleep had not her sister burst into the aravel, leaping onto her twin's bed to wake her.

"Nahari! Wake up, today's the day! The Dhea'dinvunin celebration is starting! Come on, sleepy head!" Lona grinned, her dark brown hair decorated with autumn leaves. She was wearing her ceremonial dress, a matching one draped on her arm for her sister to wear.

"Noooo...." Nahari whined before coughing once more. "I'm trying to sleep..."

"You can't sleep during the entire festival!" Fai said, as she jumped in as well- already in her dress, also. "It's bad luck! At least join us to make one of the offerings!"

"B-But," she coughed, curling up into a ball. "It's still morning!"

"Which is why if you don't get up now, you're going to miss all the fun stuff!" Lona whined.

"You can't waste the whole festival in bed- you'll miss the good parts!" Fai protested.

Nahari whined once more, reluctantly peeking out from under her blanket.

"But..." she weakly attempted to protest once more.

"Come on, it'll be fun! We're wasting daylight!" Fai said.

"...Okay." Nahari sighed in defeat.

"Yay! Now, come on! You have to get dressed and we still have to style your hair!" Lona grinned as she pulled her sister out of bed.

"We have all the decorations ready- we tried to save all the bright colored leaves before everyone else got them." Fai said.

"Really?" Nahari asked as she changed into her ceremony dress.

"Well, for your hair, of course." Fai grinned. "I got some good ones I think will mix well with your eyes."

Nahari smiled. "Oh, um, okay." she said softly. Lona motioned for her to take a seat on a small chair nearby so Fai could style her hair.

Fai smiled, as she took up a comb, carefully brushing the girls hair with surprising gentleness. "Mamae taught me how to do pretty braids and curls, before I left the clan. She has nice long hair, and didn't mind when I used to yank too hard on knots- she taught me how to get rid of them nicer." she rambled. "Do you want curls, or braids?"

"Braids, please." Nahari said softly.

"Alright." the girl smiled. Within a matter of minutes, Nahari's hair was done with twining braids, delicately placed and pinned about other parts of her hair. To finish, Fai carefully pinned some neat and colorful leaves about the girls' head, almost like a crown.

Nahari smiled as she felt her place the leaves in her hair. "Do I look pretty...?" she asked.

"Very pretty." Lona grinned.

"The prettiest of all." Fai grinned, as she adjusted the final leaf. "Everyone in the camp will swoon."

"R-Really?" Nahari gasped, her eyes practically shining with joy and delight at the very thought.

"Absolutely! In fact, I think I might swoon- Lona, catch me! I'm going to faint from her beauty!" Fai said dramatically- and letting herself fall back, as though she fully expected Lona to actually catch her. Lona laughed as she easily caught Fai in her arms. Nahari, meanwhile, giggled as she watched them, her cheeks turning red from such a compliment.

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