Chapter 2

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We all finished unpacking and decided to go down to the beach. Within 45 minutes I was in and Sky was wearing Cam was wearing light blue swim trunks while Harry was wearing black and purple ones. We all walked out to the beach and the guys bolted for the ocean and me and Sky were left to set up the towels and umbrella. We got the umbrella out and it was really hard to put in because it was heavy and it wouldn’t stick into the sand. A really jockish-player looking guy walks over and says “Need a hand, beauties?”  I blush and said “Please.” He smiles and Sky winks at me and starts walking away to the water. My eyes widen and she grins wickedly and turns toward the water. The guy stands up after getting the umbrella to stay and I say “Thanks…” “Brent.” He replies. I smile and say “Thank you, Brent.” He smiles back and said “No problem.” “I’m Sophie, by the way, but you can call me Soph.” he smiles and says “Nice to meet you, Soph.” we ended up sitting on my towel and talked until it felt like we knew each other our whole lives. His friends soon called him over and he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said “Hopefully you and this Cameron guy get together.” I smile and he walks away.


I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that I have to stand here and listen to Harry shamelessly flirt with Sky or that I find myself staring at Soph and some dude while they flirt and I feel… jealous? Why would I be jealous? My conscious was telling me “Because that’s YOUR princess he’s messing with!”  I shook my head trying to clear my mind of that thought, but the feeling kept creeping up and I was getting mad because I didn’t get why I felt this way, but I did. I got out of the water just as the guy walked away after giving Soph a kiss on the cheek and a hug, which made me even more jealous. I quickly grabbed my towel off the ground and the sand under it was swept up and it blew all over Soph. I looked over and she was rubbing her eyes, whoops! In the moment I was to confused to ask if she was ok so I just walked over to the showers and I looked back to see Soph and she looked like she was about to cry. She then got up and walked over to the water and pulled Sky out.


“Wanna go get dinner later? Just you and me?” Harry asked me for the millionth time. “Sorry Har, I’m just not into you like that.” He shrugged and said “It was worth a shot.” I smiled and then was being pulled out of the water by Soph. she looked about ready to cry and I was ready to go beat the idiot that made her this sad. She pulled me all the way to our towels and when we sat down she already had a few tears down her face. “What’s wrong Soph?” I asked genuinely concerned. She sighed and told me about Cam’s rational behavior and how she was sad but she wasn’t crying because of him, it was because of the sand that got in her eyes. I laughed because I thought that it was Cam that made her cry. I then said “He’s probably just PMSing.” This in turn caused her to laugh and we just spent the rest of the day tanning while Cam and Harry walked around on the beach. 

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