Chapter 14

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I woke up with a huge headache. I went to the bathroom and noticed that my temperature was higher than usual symbolizing a fever. I groaned and trudged back to my warm bed to get some more sleep. I was just about to drift into dreamland when my door swung open and in came Sky. "It's already noon, Soph. Wake up!" I frowned saying "I'm sick." Sky reached out to feel my forehead then nodded. "Ok, I'll go make some soup and bring some medicine." I smiled. "You're the best, Sky!" Sky laughed as she exited the room. I sighed allowing myself to lie back down. Within 20 minutes, Sky was back with chicken noodle soup, some advil, and a glass of water. I smiled as I ate the soup. Sky looked at me saying "Only you would make that face while eating soup." I laughed. "You should go enjoy the day, I'm gonna stay and relax up here, ok?" Sky said "Are you sure you don't need me?" I shook my head and lightly pushed her, encouraging her to go. She left and in came Cam, this can't be good.


After leaving Soph's room, I went to go get ready to sit on the beach and just tan. I got changed into one of the new swim suits that Soph convinced me to get, then put on a cover up. I grabbed my shades and beach bag about to head to the door, but before I got to it, I was pushed against the wall. I looked up and saw Harry. "Can I help you?" Harry smiled. "Yes, can you give me one chance?" Sky hesitated before saying "Why should I?" Harry smirked and leaned a little closer to where their noses brushed against one another. "I'd treat you like a queen. I'd tell you how beautiful you are everyday and stay with you through thick and thin. I'll never let you go." I giggled at the end of his speech and said "You just quoted Justin Bieber!" Harry chuckled. "So is that a yes?" Sky shrugged. "I'll tell you by dinner, ok?" Harry nodded and Sky slipped away to go tan on the beach.

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