A message for you.

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I began writing this book with a minimal passion. I was running out of ideas and I hated my work, so I did what came easiest to me: 'dark' poetry about how much life sucks sometimes. It came especially easily too - because life sucked a fair bit as I started this book. I was still mentally processing events that had happened and haunted me recently, so I put them into a poem.

The poem 'Monster' was obviously one reflecting discovery of abuse, which was my main fixation at the time. I wrote a lot about that. Probably another book's worth of songs and stories - including letters to my family and friends about what I was going through. I still write about it, because it still hurts. 

I am getting help. I am getting better.

I am a lot happier at this point in the book than I was at the beginning, and things have been looking up for me. I suppose I just had to stick it out. 

'The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.' Dolly Parton

So, thank you for reading, and thank you for caring.

Here's to a happier tomorrow!

Lots of love!

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