~Chapter 9~

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As soon as Rick opened the door the two girls took off leaving Rick and I with Grayson, the stroller and the bags. Rick picks up the bags heading up stairs."You can stay down here if you want. I'm just gonna put the girls' stuff in Alexis' room." He says walking up the stairs. "ok" I take Grayson out of the stroller and set him on my hip heading to the couch sitting down. I pull up my shirt and start feeding him.

"Hey Kate you want somethi-" Rick cuts off as he stares at me. "Castle are you going to get used to my boob? like ever" "um what?" He drools. "Seriously quit" I laugh. I pull down my shirt as Gray doses off. "do you have somewhere I can lay him?" I ask Rick. "yea sure follow me" I stand up and he leads his way down the hall. He opens a door and there is a nursery. I look over at him shocked."I never took down Alexis' old room." He shrugs. I put Grayson in the crib and we tip toe out shutting the door.

"Alexis Cahya!" I call up the stairs. "coming mom!" they yell racing down the stairs. "Pizza is on the table" I laugh as they start quickly eating their slices. "girls calm down! You are gonna get a stomach ache" Castle says setting a plate in front of me kissing the top of my head. The girls slow down and Cahya opens her mouth but quickly closes it. "Um mom?" She starts off unsure of herself. "Yes sweetie?" I ask putting down my pizza and looking at her. "Um I was wondering if maybe we could um maybe introduce Alexis to Auntie Lanie and Auntie Vicky" "sure sweetie as long as her and her dad want to" I smile at her and she giggles happily.


Sorry it is short :/




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