An awkward moment

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Just recently Optimus had made Ultra Magnus your guardian so that meant he had to pick you up from school and he had to spend time with you. You of course had to come up with something to say when some of the other kids asked you why a truck was in the school parking lot.

"Hey Magnus, how are you today?" You asked him as you got into his alt mode.

"Y/n, you know that nicknames are childish." Magnus said sternly.

"Fine. Ultra Magnus, sir." You sighed.

"To answer your question, I am doing fine today." Magnus said as he drove you to Agent Fowler's house.

The drive was mostly silent, but you both would make small talk. When he parked in front of Agent Fowler's house you unbuckled the seatbelt and grabbed your backpack.

"So.....uh....... I guess this is goodbye for today....." You said, not really knowing what to say.

"Yeah.... I will see you tomorrow." Magnus said as you opened his passenger door.

" you tomorrow." You said as you quickly walked up to the front door, unlocked it with the spare key and went inside.

When you got to the spare bedroom you flopped over on the bed and groaned at how awkward that was.

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