You get turned into a baby

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Today while you were at the Autobot base you saw Smokescreen sneak into the med bay while Ratchet was in the washracks. At first you didn't think anything of it until curiosity got the best of you. Unfortunately when you walked into the med bay a beam of light surrounded you. When the light went away you had been turned into a baby.

"Smokescreen, what have you done?!" Ultra Magnus asked as he walked into the med bay.

"Uh...." Smokescreen said as he tried to think of an answer.

"And why exactly is there a human sparkling in here?" Magnus asked as he carefully picked you up.

As Magnus looked at you he realized that you had been turned into a baby. He was suddenly nervous about holding you, but he didn't show it.

"I will deal with you later." Magnus said angrily as Smokescreen nervously walked out of the med bay.

Magnus couldn't help but think that you were cute as a baby. When you started to cry he gave you one of his rare smiles and you settled down. He had never seen a human baby before, let alone held one. But he made sure to be extremely careful with you. A few minutes later you fell asleep in his palm and he turned you back to normal and put you on the couch in the human area. After you woke up he took you to Agent Fowler's house.

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