First night with your daughter

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When it was time for bed you fed, burped, changed and got Alina into her pajamas. Since you hadn't gotten a crib yet you were going to co-sleep with Alina. Soon Magnus's holoform walked into your shared bedroom and you told him that you both were going to have Alina sleep in between you and him until you could get her a crib and turn the spare room into a nursery. Oddly enough he was perfectly okay with co-sleeping, which you were happy about. So after he turned your bedroom light off he got in bed with you and made sure that Alina had plenty of room to sleep.

The first half of the night Alina slept really well, but when it was about three in the morning she started crying. So you and Magnus both woke up together. He held Alina while you made some formula for her. He had never actually held a human baby before, but he made sure to be very careful with her. When you got back to your bedroom you showed him how to feed Alina and after a few minutes of trying he finally got her to start drinking from the bottle.

"Am I doing this correctly?" Magnus asked you as he fed Alina.

"Here, hold the bottle like this." You said as you showed him how to hold the bottle the right way.

Once Magnus was done feeding Alina you showed him how to burp her. After a few minutes however you had to change her diaper again and after that was done Alina fell asleep again. You and Magnus made sure that she was asleep before you both fell asleep once again. Thankfully Alina only woke up that one time that night.

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